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Everything posted by sparky

  1. A very good point, I thought about it and forgot about it... DUHH.......
  2. this is it But dont mess with shit in there........ click on setup.....click on antenna pointing......click next......makesure "perform ACP" is checked then click Next.....click auto.....now it should do the test, you might get into a que and will have to wait for it....mine just showed "isolation = 67 = PASS", if your one fails, do it again, and again until it passes, if it will not pass after like 20 times, you better call the sand monkeys, I mean DirecWay tech support......... Hope all goes well for you...
  3. Weather has something to do with it too, just because you cannot see the clouds dont mean they are not there, your azimuth angle is where your dish is looking at, its not too far off the horizon and clouds in the next state could affect your speed (connection speed) and increase your latency time. You could also have issues with your modem, maybe something on your network? maybe you have something downloading without you knowing, like virus updates or whatever, firewalls, hard to say, I would start with nothing running in the background, then see what happens. When your latency climbs real high, check your signal level, then check your transmit status to see if your dropping packets..... and as advised above, do a cross pole test to make sure your aligned right with the Bird..... also a lot of traffic on the Bird your using or the main backbone might be the cause if your issues...... So many different things affect latency.
  4. None taken by me Stank, I agree with you most of the ones I have seen are fat ass pigs or better!
  5. 36 here! not as old as some, not as young as others, in the middle I guess! Oh well, life goes on....
  6. Nearly all codes state in the NEC, any equipment mouted on the exterior shall be grounded, this is not an option, ship his ass in to your local building inspector/firemarshall
  7. I think they should have in detail before you sign up complete information on the real true speeds and details on there FAP and then see how many people sign up with them. I for one would not have signed up if I knew what I know now. I called and asked them questions before I signed up, because I heard about lame speeds, they told me I would get upto 50kbs up and 500 down, which sounded better then my dial up, they failed to tell me that is the connection speeds NOT THE TRANSFER speeds! Muther Fockers!
  8. Nice! I seem to remember a few years back they found someones finger in a burger at McD's and another time false teath! anyone remember this?
  9. Yes, please share your thoughts with us
  10. Now come on, whats wrong with DirecWay????? Please, if you run out of numerics when listing, use alphanumerics! LMAO
  11. Welcome! enjoy your stay! we are all friends here
  12. Is that whats doing it? you know something funny, I started talking hindu in my sleep! jabbering on about nothing, my wife thinks I would be excellent for tech support for Dway! Going to Ebay now to find a pretty colored towel! Ok, before I go, I have a joke..... what is 6 foot long and full of shit? A: A directway Tech Support turbin!
  13. Ohh, thanks! feel like a dumbass now
  14. Can someone let me know if direcway send out bills? I mean, I know they charge my C/C but do they send you a bill or something? I am witing for my second billing cycle so I can get my $100 back off them.... How does it work?
  15. I beleive we did not start the war, not getting to deep into this, but we did not fly planes into the world trade center and kill some 3000 people, or what ever the number was! we acted as we should have, we went after the assholes! Again, we did not start the war!
  16. The above image does it no justice.... I made some changes to make it look right...
  17. I guess McYuks is now bringing its workers to work in redesigned vehicles suited for McYuk employees......
  18. The marking on my cable say the following..... "perfect vision RG6 75 Ohm, 18 AWG 3 Gigaherts Rated. Think he told me it was dual sheilded cable.
  19. Heres a first for me!! typical, I post the above and get results like this... :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 93 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 11 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sat Mar 19 2005 19:46:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 93.09 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 126.83 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ISM8QB37T Go figure
  20. I would like to see peoples upload speeds, or your average upload speeds would work, I personaly do a lot of uploading to several sites I have/maintain...... My upload speeds suck for the most. Let see yours and compare!
  22. Just in case some of you guys are wondering how good McYuks is for you, here is some info on there food content.....http://www.weightlossforall.com/fat-mcdonalds.htm Which brings me to the question..... I know where chicken wings come from, I know where chicken breast comes from, but where do chicken nuggets come from????? makes you wonder huh! Please do not give a correct answer to this, for some who may think I am serious about the above, read it again! lol
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