I have 8 running on my Dell Vostro 0% CPU usage, I think it's normal.
My typical setup
Avast anti-virus
Comodo firewall pro
Comodo Boclean
AVG antispyware
Spybot S&D
Spyware Blaster
I just deleted the tweaks, saved, and restarted it everything looks to be back to normal, I'll mess around with it later tonight. Thanks for the reply.
I was getting 3000 down and 480 up before I used cablenut since there was no setting for 3000/512 I used the calculator from http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php, and now I'm getting 2200 down and 450 up. I tried backing up the old which everything was blank before I did anything, and I'm still getting slow speeds. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a Nvidia Geforce 8600m GT 256mb on my new dell vostro 1500 laptop, I'm really eager to test out Crysis on Low settings, it will look like Playstation graphics but heh, at least I can choke people.
I just installed it on my new comp, I don't remember there being a teatimer.exe in my processes on my other computer, now there is. I know S&D had a tea timer before, and I'm wondering if it would be ok to disable it. Can it possibly be a new version I wasn't aware of?
I tried the address doesn't work, can't even log-in to it, tried power cycling didn't work, and resetting it doesn't work, It's dead. I'm sticking with belkin routers, or possibly d-link. If bestbuy doesn't take it back I'm burning it.
yea, it tries to connect, fails with invalid IP address, I then put in an IP address from my router etc. both the dns, and tried two different gateway's. Still no luck.
Sorry one more thing,
when I restored the router to factory settings, the linksys router showed up in range and tried to connect acquiring IP address it still gave me the "limited or no connectivity". DHCP is enabled and the local IP address is 192.168.x.x starting IP address is 192.168.x.xxx, the network card's IP is 169.254.xxx.xxx