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Everything posted by luwigie

  1. And finally as every body leaves, I am able to get this from my server... Still don't know why I can't pull this much from testmy... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4106 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 501 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 73 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.04 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=X0JTFUFK7 The files that I have posted may be inaccesible for a short time.
  2. 1337...
  3. I finished doing an ftp test. I also did a test to my server. My server actually had higher transfer rates... You can see all of the screenies here: tests
  4. I used to get bumped up to the 2048K test or whatever the exact size was... I no longer do. I wonder if the routing to that data center is bad for here, because as you see, I even posted downloading a 64MB test file from my server in the same datacneter and scored poorly. As for your test, VanBurnen, I didn't score so well :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 786 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 20744 KB) Download Speed is:: 96 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 14 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 10.67 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=5QN4YUH8E Also, I should just state that this is actually a school connection. I will run some more tests when there are less people using the connection. I really wish that this was my home connection. The main issue that I am looking at is why I get so little bandwidth from that data center.
  5. Then even more puzeling, I get most of my pipe filled by my server on an ftp download (in the same data center as testmy) Via http however, I get about the same rate that I get from testmy: Yet another test from dslr, which is much faster than from testmy.
  6. Why is it that I score so well at dslr, and on a download from microsoft, but not that well from testmy.net? I also don't score about this fast from my own server in the same data center... This is a screeny of a bunch of tests that I took just a minute ago. This is a faster download that I did just a minute ago. (cleared out my cache first) Why do I score so poorlly from testmy?
  7. I was talking more about ftp/http file hosting... but, how do you stream those files?
  8. lol, at the time, I wanted to test the servers ability to handle loads on the hardware side, and not neccesarily the bandwidth that I am on. I have yet to do that. If you do a tracert to litelinux.net and to testmy.net, you will notice that I am on a router right next to the one testmy.net is on. Testmy.net is on somerouter1 and I am on somerouter2
  9. LOL, first BSODs on airport flight schedule monitors, and now this. It's like "Oh shit! I didn't see that 747 coming and I almost hit it!"
  10. The ze4900 series as configured isn't centrino based is it? It's a Celeron M. I am, sadly, still a high schooler. I type everything, however. I previously have been using a Dell Axim X5 with an add on keyboard, but that was tedious to type on due to the size, and my Axim has since suffered a non-recoverable screen injury which would cost too much to fix I was thinking that instead of dumping another 200-500 dollars into a PDA, I may as well get a laptop. I'm sure that it will last me till' I get to college in two years, though I will probably have to replace the battery by then. I guess school discounts are out for me, so I am looking at the straight retial price. Thank you for the response swimmer. I will look into notebookforum.com, but I would still appreciate any feedback that the members here have to offer. Thanks
  11. Yes, that is very good. You are .5 mbps above your advertised speeds for download, and right at your upload cap after overhead. Nice.
  12. I am looking into getting a laptop. I currently am a student, so battery life and price are the two main factors. I have put together a list of all of the laptops that I have been thinking about buying. HTML Version Excel Version I have a few questions: 1) Are there any manufacturers that I should be looking into that I left off of the list? 2) Which computer will provide me with the longest battery life? 3) Which computer in your opinions would be the best value? 4) Any other general suggestions? I posted this on DSLR vith very limited response. Hopefully I can get more responses and useful information here. Thanks!
  13. Let me know... The server that I am on is in the same data center as testmy.net, so it should be just as fast
  14. No, I think it's something with the routing. I can do 1.5 MB/s from a Microsoft server. I have done 3MB/s for a sustained time of 700 MBs before.
  15. Throw up a linux box as a router... Two nic cards. One connected to your broadband connection, and one to a switch.
  16. Terabytes upon terabytes I'm sure.
  17. I just checked, and Direcway doesn't have free hosting. However, my other ISP, at a different location than where I usually am does. I just tested and they limit the size to 5 Megs, and they could only provide me with 535 KB/s of bandwidth, where I can download at 1.5 MB/s from my server.
  18. Wow. Not bad.
  19. Browsing should still be snappy on 3 mbps. I would do a tracert to testmy.net to see if you are experiencing any latency on a router. This may be the cause of the slow down of the test. Also, try to download a test file ftp://ftp1.optonline.net If this is slow, then it's a connection problem. If it isn't, then it is a routing problem between your connection and testmy.net. I was going to offer you do a test from http://luwigie.com/tests/ but I am in the same data center as this site.
  20. And I am continuing it! Yay for stupid posts.
  21. I'll test that 'unlimited bandwidth' for you, lol I'm sure eventually they would shut you down.
  22. I just wanted to prove again that that was indeed from my home Direcway connection. I am having a hard time believing the speed also.
  23. luwigie

    two things

    Hack the admin password. I have done this many times for ligitamate purposes, and it is really, very easy. There are several utilities to use that can be easily found with a simple google search. You will have to reboot to a floppy or cd to do this, however. Then when you are about to hand it in, accidently remove kernel.exe or something. They'll never be able to tell that you had admnistrative rights on the system. Use cat5 for your modem. Your networking settings should automatically adjust to your network settings. Finally, you could also just use knoppix and leave the Windows install in tact . Good luck.
  24. If any one ever needs a file hosted, let me know. I have many domains, and too much bandwidth/space I can set up FTP access. Also, let me know if you want a pop3 e-mail address
  25. Upload your entire hard drive to somewhere while you can!!! Don't ask questions, just use it before it's too late. lol, I hope that they upgraded you to 384 and didn't tell you rather than being messed up and going back down later.
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