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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by luwigie

  1. I would also appreciate an invite if its not too much trouble [email protected]
  2. FGOK, "Broadband" via cellular networks is plagued by relatively high latency (400+ ms), and is usually only along the lines of 128/128... That is, if you can get it. Usually if you can't get cable/DSL, cell signals are iffy too. I know that's the situation that I'm in. Also, data transfers are extremely limited, and it's very very expensive in comparison to other solutions.
  3. This topic is now getting towards illegal areas... Basically, the only way to do this is with a VPN setup. VPN is a server/client protocol. You have to have a VPN server set up at the school, and a client at the remote site. You have to have admin access to do this, and know what you're doing. Setting up anything that is unauthorized is bound to get you in trouble, and is probably not worth it. Bottom line; talk to your admin; see if they want to set something up/give you access. I highly doubt they will.
  4. aerodude, I like your sig, but it's more like
  5. When the file for the test is not recheable, you get bogus results from testmy. Of course you don't have 70 mbps... Dumb post.
  6. You've got way too much money don't you..? lol
  7. I give it a 10/10. I have been playing it ever since beta. It was interesting to watch the patches roll in every now and then, but now it seems as though most problems have been fixed. I finally got retail late last night (took a while because of $$) and I have played 3 hours already. Definitely pick up this one.
  8. Swett, a forum just for Direcway us Direcway users. I'll post some scores when I get home. I'm on a DW6000 which I just upgraded to from a DW4000 a week ago. I don't get any where near those upload speeds though...
  9. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 92 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 11 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 2 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 93.09 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=TPQA74BQU :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 84 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Upload Speed is: 10 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 2 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 102.4 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=AYT8AI5SL This was tested from my cell phone using Verizon's National Access (1xRTT CDMA2000) I would say that this is pretty good for a cellular network! I need to get a laptop to see what the rates would be like in a moving vehicle... CA3LE, am I the first person from myvzw.com to test? [code:1]Tracing route to google.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 252 ms 239 ms 239 ms 6.sub-66-174-160.myvzw.com [] 2 237 ms 238 ms 240 ms 146.sub-66-174-56.myvzw.com [] 3 237 ms 240 ms 238 ms 121.sub-66-174-57.myvzw.com [] 4 1501 ms 278 ms 239 ms 149.sub-66-174-107.myvzw.com [] 5 255 ms 259 ms 259 ms 73.sub-66-174-106.myvzw.com [] 6 276 ms 279 ms 279 ms 500.Serial4-11.GW5.EWR1.ALTER.NET [ ][/code:1]
  10. Yes, that is correct for turning off the windows firewall. Now, I would try in your browser to get to your router's config page. Make sure that you don't have any proxies enabled, as this will make it so that you cannot get to the router (Tools>Internet Option>Connections>Lan Settings>Make sure everything is unchecked>Ok your way out). If this doesn't work, I would reset your router. Possibly you set an IP there that you don't remember. Good luck.
  11. Now I gotta get back over there to give him his data back...
  12. http://www.williammc.com/pages/firefox_tweak.html Try this, it may help speed up firefox, especially if you are using Direcway. The more concurrent connections that you have with that high latency connection, the faster things will load.
  13. .s1 is right. Go into your network adapters properties, select TCP/IP, and set everything to automatically get... Next, shut down your computer, and unplug your modem. Plug your computer directly into the modem, and power the modem back up, makeing sure that the modem has been down for at least 10 seconds. Turn on your computer and it should work. The reason that you have to power cycle the modem is each network device has a unique MAC (media access control) address. When the modem initializes, it will only communicate with the MAC address of the device it found when it started up. Since your router and NIC have different addresses, you have to power cycle to make the modem communicate with your NIC instead of your router. Good luck.
  14. You could set up GuildFTPd on each computer, and share the folders that you want. Then when you want to get files from the other computer, you can just login via FTP if you have the person's IP addy... Another option, you could set up a VPN. I think windows XP is able to run a VPN server, and I know that Windows 98 has a VPN client. This would make it seem as though you were on the same local network as the other machine.
  15. PPPoE = Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet. Basically, it's a way of authenticating your modem, and it uses some over head bandwidth on your connection.
  16. You need to forward ports 6881-6999 to the computer where you are using bittorrent.
  17. Yes, a reformat is the best bet... I will let you borrow a hard drive to back up your stuff onto if you want... Just let me know and I'll bring it over. Also, welcome to the forums!
  18. That's what I thought... The upload thing is where the poll thing used to be.
  19. 25, eh?
  20. You need to contact ISC and see if you can get a gig conn there, lol
  21. What is the age group of the visitors of testmy? I was wondering about this, so I thought I would start a thread on the topic. I'll start off: I'm 16 years old. I was thinking I would make a poll, but I can't figure it out
  22. Hey, that's a good idea. Set up a 500 MB one CA3LE! Hell, why not a gig? lol
  23. Or PM me for a gmail account. Then you can get a shell extension and use Gmail as a regular windows drive... The only problem is that the file sizes are limited to 10 megabytes... You do have a gig of space... What I would do is make a folder with all of the data that you want to back up, then get winrar (http://www.rarlabs.com) and create a compressed rar compilation with the segments limited to 10 MBs. Then once that finishes, start the upload over night by dragging all of the files into the Gmail drive and there you go.
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