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About saygoodie

  • Birthday 06/21/1991

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  1. this is ridiculous and would never work. maybe in communist countries...
  2. http://www.teamviewer.com teamviewer is free and does the same thing that copilot program does.
  3. i played xbox live with my cell phone, which uses EV-DO. I could talk to multiple people and it was clear too, and i only had two bars of signal
  4. Anyone, help?
  5. Hi, I was looking into getting a new LCD monitor and the Acer H213H caught my eye. I was reading some reviews on it and one person claimed that he could not get the 1920x1080 resolution to work on Windows XP. I was wondering if anyone here owned this monitor and knew anything about that issue or any other reason why I should not get it. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009157&Tpk=acer%20h213h Any reply/help is much appreciated, thanks.
  6. anyone know where i can find a cable that goes from two RCA connectors(red and white) into a port (like to plug in headphones, speakers etc)
  7. that makes me sad :[ I wanna play!
  8. Perfectly legal.
  9. Not going to happen ;]
  10. OR, he lives on his own and can actually afford all of that and doesn't bother anyone!! who would have guessed!
  11. I love you. again.
  12. works really well and best of all it's free
  13. Matt Damon is a human being, therefore intelligent. you, ghostmaster, are a human being, therefore intelligent. The man who wrote this must be intelligent too right? It's someones opinion, just because their job isn't "respectable" doesn't make it false.
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