ok so here is my opinon on that
I used to have an ATI All In Wonder 128MB vid card it ran games & what not good
but when I switched to the MSI Nividea 256 card I saw gameing in a whole new world
I can now play all my games at the max settings with no issuses at all I am now seeing all the things that i missed out on befor
on the 128MB card I could only run my games at the minimum stteings & I was missing out on all the vivual aspects of gameing
so in my opinon you can't say that there isn't much difference between a 128MB & a 256 MB vid card
I see so much more now.
1. my visual distance is a lot greater now ( I can snipe peeps from a lot further distance now )
2. I now see the concrete wall being blown apart that I am hideing behind
3. I see the water moveing
4. I see the clouds like it was real life now
5. etc., etc . , etc .........
so from a gamers point of view a 256MB card has let me see a whole new world to my games
I have missed oiut on so much I will never go back my next card will be the Niveda 7800GT 512MB card