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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. dang! 3 dollars per song.. i can buy a song album with that!
  2. ' will do...
  3. now that's what i call self interest! lol.. well either way what's important is you do best out of everything that is given to you. grab every opportunities that is presented to you even if it means doing it in the bathroom. lol just don't get caught!
  4. hahaha... clever! it's like decoding da vincis code! lol had to copy and paste!
  5. cool! i wish you luck with everything! I'm done in college! I live 2 hours away from my home.. and had an apartment 3 minutes away from the university. good luck with all your endeavours. you can still drive. so i wont take any chances...
  6. hahaha, i never noticed that! i thought it was a dot too.. lol..you got me there.. you could have just given a clue like use a microscope! duhh!
  7. i noticed that as well.. thanks to the admin.
  8. nice speed. yeah its more than okay... how high is your aggregate? speed tests can be erroneous at times since there is this thing we call burst rate.. try measuring your speed using a 1MB download size to be more accurate..
  9. we're still working on that, we need to use PRIZM in order to do that, and prizm can be downloaded for free... try it and see what problems you encountered. my pc is too slow to do the prizm thing..
  10. yeah it's very funny, and clever! they started with just basic recordings and encouraged the people to upload the songs, and when they had enough, they affiliated with Itunes and started selling...
  11. nice monitor you got there. anyway, yeah it's a bad sensor or there is no sensor..
  12. well i would suggest you to open the cpu case and check the leads (sensor) that measures the temperature... i don't know how but you can try that, if not, you can just like blow it using a pressurized air to blow off dust, coz dusts usually alters the correct readings.... if this doesn't solve the problem then I would strongly agree to have this thing checked since it's still under warranty. It's something, and shouldn't be ignored. the sensor is reporting this figure because maybe it really did is measuring something with that temp. 125 d C is more than the boiling point and is flaming hot.
  13. indeed, a bad sensor! coz with that temperature you will no longer be able to run your pc efficiently. i was adding all the temperature readings except the main board temp and it totals 124.2. so if this caused by a bad sensor then this specific sensor must be summing everything up... minus some 4 points (128C).
  14. imeem is trying to avoid illegal downloads from their site, and in fact they just recently changed their ways.. currently the software provided my the musiczilla doesn't work.. but i have emailed them and they said they are almost done, and anytime soon they will be releasing a new version of musiczilla that can rip the music off from imeem. IMEEM is actually unfair.. they are selling the songs uploaded by the users.. what a clever tactic..
  15. ianonline

    new info

    welcome janey, nice to have you around.. i tell you in advance, you're gonna love it here.. you should met momma T.. she's nice.. I'm looking forward to see you often here, and I expect to exchange thoughts, ideas, and opinions with you... ikinagagalak namin na makita ka dito sa komunidad ng TMN... (we're happy to see you here in TMN community)
  16. better start now..
  17. let me get my bike, I'll chase shug. this isn't fair, we are pure innocent boys here and we don't know anything... now tell us before we start reading the manual ( i see a white bunny on that book)
  18. it's labelled 3some.. somewhere i saw what 3some looks like but definitely it was never something like this..
  19. i got 1 mb aggregate.. psshh
  20. good good, now since you got your phone, set the first fast-dial to dial 911 or whatever emergency # your using... confidence on the right level is not actually considered arrogance. I do confidence build up seminar. confidence actually is really very important.. but just like everything else, too much of it is really toxic, it can actually kill! so siryak if you think youre in control with the confidence you have, then there is no reason for you to worry.. now can someone tell me what this guys are doing.. -->
  21. i really forgot the exact location of that particular page but I'm sure its somewhere... Alignment Tone
  22. haha, you better have your phone ready in case of emergency.. that's the confidence I'm talking about...
  23. looking forward..
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