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Everything posted by Spook63

  1. Thanks, Swimmer. Already have Sol 10 for x86 from an ISO download, but a DVD media kit would be nice too!
  2. Yea, but it would be nice if they could balance the download/upload ratio a little better. I have 8MB/768K.
  3. Yes, they give you FULL function software, it's just in the form of a download, not a CD or DVD. They do this because the majority of people attending are IT Pro's, so if they give a copy away free, there's a good chance the Tech will recommend it to their employers. If you attend, you will be given a PIN and URL to get your software. I go to these on a regular basis, and I have gotten Office Premium 2000, Virtual PC, just to name a couple. I'm going to one on Feb 22nd. Here's the link: http://www.microsoft.com/business/launch2007/signup/default.mspx Make sure you read the notes at the bottom, to find out about the giveaways.
  4. Yes, but it only applies it to the music that you to wirelessly send to another Zune user. It does not put DRM on your music on the PC. Besides, I think this will probably change in the near future, and I hope that the wireless capabilities we be greatly expanded on. Microsoft also announced at the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) this week, that they are planning to enable video gaming on the Zune. Not sure if it's this 1st generation or the next one coming down the pipe.
  5. I just bought a black Zune and I love it! It integrates great with my Xbox 360, and you can even play movies through it, all while it charges. I think it is alot better than an iPod ( my opinion ) and I wanted to get someone elses thoughts and opinions on it. Let the mindgames begin!
  6. My Favorite quote: Considering Microsoft's software is probably the biggest "Memory Hog" out there! Ya gotta lay off the Fish n' Chips, Mate.
  7. Merry Christmas all !
  8. http://www.break.com/index/snl_a_special_christmas_box.html
  9. Yes it is, but they have to be over 256MB in order to be used.
  10. First, I would go to http://www.comcast.net/help/. make sure you are signed in and then click the link towards the bottom that says "Check Network Health specific to your area". This will give you an indication as to whether or not maintenance is going on near you. If there isn't any work being done, power cycle your modem and then try again. Last, I would call Comcast help. Good luck.
  11. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 20238 Kbps about 20.24 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 2470 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 721 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 88 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/12/08 - 12:47am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OF13GUZ5C U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-94DCUP3QM User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30) [!]
  12. Check out the following site, which lists numerous BIOS manufacturers: http://www.bioscentral.com/beepcodes/awardbeep.htm
  13. Hampton Hill ! I used to hang out in Richmond sometimes, down by the river. There used to be a good club there called "Hooray Henry's" (at least I think that's what it was. The memory goes when you get over 40!). An Aunt of mine lives in Twickenham, which is close. I also lived for a while around the corner from Russell Square tube station, and my regular hangout was "The Friend". Shame to hear Eamonn passed away. But my favorite was Norman Wisdom. I visited Jersey once when I was young. All I remember were lots of Cows. I still have craving's for PG Tips, Marmite, Baked Beans on Toast and a real English Breakfast. Cheers Mate.
  14. Ok, briefly... Born in NYC, parents divorced. Mother took me back to Brum (where she and her family are from), went to school/college there. Joined US Army at High Wycombe, came back and served 2 years at Fort Lewis, WA then 2 years in Germany. Met my Wife in Heidelberg (she was over from US visiting relatives). After leaving Army, came back to live with Wife. Now I don't have to appear on " This is your Life" with Eamonn Andrews! So, 120 Miles North, where are you from??
  15. Me too! I've had numerous dealing's with people who own Dell's and each time it has been a hassle. For example, I had to replace a dead Power supply. You can't just use a regular ATX PSU, you have to order one from Dell, as they use propriety hardware. I found out that their PSU's had a different wiring scheme! This dude is not getting a Dell!
  16. I lived in Birmingham for 20 years.
  17. Most Hard Drives come with a CD from the manufacturer, that has disc tools on it. You should be able to write zero's to the drive and then format/partition it again for reuse.
  18. Roco, do you still need a TV license for each TV set that you own? I remember that they used to have TV vans driving around to see who was watching the "Tele" and didn't have a TV License.
  19. I want a new Plasma TV:
  20. As a Veteran, I know that nothing beats a gesture of thanks and appreciation from folks back home. My message has been sent! Thx Tommie. Hooah!
  21. Spook63


    Are you A+ or Network+ certified too? Both of these certs are entry level and provide a solid foundation for other higher level certs, not just CompTIA. If you aren't, I would strongly suggest studying these two. If you are, then hang in there and keep plugging away!
  22. Thanks Swimmer, they both look like they will fit my needs, especially now since I updated Vista to the RC2 build 5744 release. Now it boots straight to Vista and not via the GRUB bootloader as before. It must have overwritten the MBR. I'll give both a try and post my results.
  23. I have set up a removable drive with Windows Vista (32-bit Build 5600) and Fedora 6 Core on it. I can dual boot them, but it uses the GRUB loader to boot into Vista. When I had a dual boot set up with XP and Red Hat, I could edit the boot.ini file to make it boot from Windows by copying the first 512 bytes of the Linux bootsect. But now I have discovered that Vista no longer uses boot.ini and instead uses Boot Configuration Data (BCD). Anyone have any clues/suggestions as to how to fix this??
  24. One of the new features I like in Vista, is the "Ready Boost" app. You can use a USB flash memory drive to boost your systems virtual memory. Anything over 256MB will do and it uses it instead of going to the hard drive.
  25. Ummm... I guess I got it too!
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