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Everything posted by Spook63

  1. Why fight it. XP has been out for over 5 years now and MS has stopped support for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows XP Service Pack 1. Check out the official MS policy: http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?LN=en-us&x=14&y=12. I feel XP slowly slipping into the grave. So come and jump on the band wagon, and let's all enjoy a Coke and a smile.
  2. I used to use Antec until one crapped out a day after the warranty expired. I bought a BFG Tech 650W, which has a Lifetime warranty! http://www.bfgtech.com/power_supply_650W.html Or here is the 800W one http://www.bfgtech.com/power_supply_800W.html Congrats on your marriage.
  3. Ha ha.... "when in doubt, right-click about !"
  4. Have you tried this: Right click on desktop, click View, then choose Classic Icons. There about the same size as the small ones in XP
  5. What a load of Codswallop! You guys are just jealous because you have to stare at the Queens face everytime you pull out a couple of quid for a bus ride!
  6. I have the WPN802 Access Point http://www.netgear.com/Products/WirelessAccessPoints/WirelessAccessPoints/WPN802.aspx which is the same chassis. The lights don't turn off, but it came with a plastic cover that you can put over the lights if you want to block them out. Using my laptop with a WG511T Wireless PC Card http://www.netgear.com/Products/Adapters/SuperGWirelessAdapters/WG511T.aspx I get full 108 Mbps coverage throughout the house. I can even get coverage at a neighbors house which is about 200 feet away.
  7. Vista does use caching for memory. It unloads processes after they have run and when data for user processes is reloading into memory. With XP there was no I/O prioritization, which lead to contention for memory therefore causing lag and poor read/write performance. In Vista it implements high priority I/O and low priority I/O queues, leading to better performance. Windows SuperFetch is a key feature in memory optimization. Basically, it just manages memory better than XP.
  8. Last, this screen shot shows several open windows and the transparency of each. You can customize the color and transparency by right clicking on the desktop, click Personalize, then Window Color and Appearance.
  9. This screen shot shows the Start menu, the Gadgets window, and some Gadgets on the right. Also the background is the Windows DreamScene preview which contantly shimmers.
  10. Yes, it does boot faster than XP, because Vista doesn't use Boot.ini, Ntldr and Ntdetect.com. Here is a screen shot of Aero using the Windows Key + Tab key.
  11. I have Vista Ultimate and I'm pretty happy with it so far. One thing that is noticeable is that a lot of manufacturers still have yet to put out some drivers for Vista, ie. Creative! But, for the most part everything on my PC is up and running. Things that I like: Windows Photo Gallery - here you can create a slideshow of your pictures, make a quick fix, email, burn to disc or make a movie. You can then use that movie as you desktop background, which will loop constantly (if you like that sort of thing ) via the Windows DreamScene. Windows Movie Maker - Altough this was in XP, it is vastly improved in Vista with more features. I especially like the fact that you can burn your movies and slideshows to a DVD and create your own Menu's with the built in templates. Also, useful is that you can burn it in NTSC or PAL, and in 16:9 format. Things I don't like: Well the only thing that bothers me right now is the UAC - User Account Control. Basically, this means that if you try to run some apps or change a setting, a pop-up will show asking your permission to continue. This stops unauthorized changes being made and you are then giving it Admin rights to continue. Somtimes, these can be annoying if you are doing alot of tweaking, but it in theory should stop malware, trojans and viruses from wreaking havoc. It can be disabled, but you should probably leave it be. I will take some screen shots and post as soon as I can. . Any requests ?
  12. Yes, Motorola Phone Tools or MobilEdit http://www.mobiledit.com/
  13. Yes, kudo's to all !! Great site. I'm not worthy
  14. And I thought driving in Paris was dangerous!
  15. Hey, that's good to know. I, in fact used Win 2000 (as you don't have to activate it) on a separate hard drive to install Vista. I use removable hard drive drawers so I can swap between XP and Vista.
  16. Yes, it comes with 2 DVD's. 1 for 32-bit and 1 for 64-bit.
  17. Yes, but you have to install it through Win XP, you can't install directly from the DVD via a reboot. Also, the "clean install" backs up your copy of Win XP and puts it in a folder called "Windows.old"
  18. Make sure that you are running both VNC Viewer and the VNC Server. Also check the incoming port on the box you are trying to get to. You may have to type in the IP with the port, ie
  19. Ahh. William Shatner...what can one say? Here's my favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlIu05rdOf4
  20. See what happens when cousins get married !!
  21. Talk about having sex with a fRIGID bitch!
  22. It's probably because Norton is coming out with "Norton 360" which is in Beta right now. Check it out: http://www.symantec.com/norton360beta/
  23. Seems that way, but don't quote me on that. I haven't done any tweaks ie: TCP Optimzer as I did with Win XP.
  24. Whatever happened to the Good Ol' days of breaking out the Super 8mm Projector to watch porn?
  25. This one I'm using Vista : :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 23791 Kbps about 23.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 2904 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/01/17 - 12:58am Bottom Line:: 415X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.35 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 4.187 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 328.44 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OLSEI19JA User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) [!]
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