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Posts posted by tdawnaz

  1. no biggie...wasn't that interesting...but i received a request to remove the link because someone didn't like it so i did...sorry...didn't realize that it was peepnklown's job to parent the moderators...i'll be sure to be more careful in the future  :whaa: not...  ;) it's okay i'm sure there will be more to find if u really want it

  2. They can get AIM without AOHell but the e-mail thing kinda makes sense. Of course, you can always get a Hotmail or Gmail account and you don't have to worry about that either.

    Personally, I think there are subliminal messages and/or mind control involved. :haha::icon_pale:

    most people i know that have aol don't know that they can get aim without aol internet...so i think from talking to them that netmasta is right...but i also think you be on to something about the mind control/subliminal msgs...cuz when i point out the facts to them...prices, other emails, aim availability etc...they still feel they have to stay...some sort of loyalty that they are willing to pay aol to allow them to give...hmmmmmm

    btw why not post these articles to the articles section??

  3. I thought Cable was going to let the parents, parent their children? :whaa:

    if requested to remove something because it offends someone...then poof it's done...per ca3le

  4. Man I was fuxin with him. Tell .s1 your both sound like CrashDummy's. Nah I'm just  'pullin your panties'

    hey hey hey now...crash dummies???...don't make me smack ya...leave MY panties outta this...i think we were talkin about fallow's...huh?...but what ever flips urs :D

    hey...r u payin attention here? :P

  5. Maybe he can post on on of the other forums some people have created recently. I have no Idea what the link was either.

    er...maybe not netmasta...it was snipped by request because it was offensive...i'll watch for it tho  :roll:  :whaa:

  6. Why you would even WANT to see a 22 year old male in a thong ...is WAY beyond my imagination.....LOL :whaa::shock:

    hey go easy on .s1...he was just helpin me out...i was the one that asked for pics :D hubba hubba...what age male would be right to see in a thong??  :evil6:

  7. like cre8or...i gotta say...nuff said...the comments just keep getting better and better on this one...and i know there's a joke in here somewhere...just can't find the punch line (no pun intended to ur boxer/low blow comment ;p ...which was hilarious btw) too much talk on this subject makes me dizzy  :shock: so til later peace :D

    edit: spelling

  8. will there be surrogates???...will women be doing this for their husbands or friends or sons??...OR...for themselves???...WHOA some serious questions here and could it be attached to other body parts, so one could hide it and present it later as a gift to someone? what about mass production...will they hire someone to surrogate a bunch at once (so they have 'em hangin all over their body)??...hmmmmm...just think of the possibilities

  9. okay...this horse is dead...so let's quit whippin it...he's been advised...now if he wants to go ahead and waste his timechasing a free whatever then let him go ahead...he'll soon find out...nothing worth having is free...and this wouldn't be free...after all you have to do and buy and the time invested.

    let us know how it turns out and keep track of all the time an money and lost friends so you'll know in the end just how much you really paid for it.

  10. man the pic is nasty

    thank god not one posted here, this is a family forum !!

    well this thread already has the name of the body part...and after all it is just a body part...the article alredy was approved for the articles section (pic and all)...so if this thread is outta line...i'll let someone else make the call...to me it's just a body part...seen one seen 'em all...even if it is fake

  11. i first ran it with my folding running...got a score half this on my download...paused the folding and got this :) ...it'll do fine for me

    :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 4635 Kbps about 4.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 566 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem)

    Test Time:: Thu May 26 2005 06:56:22 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 83X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.81 sec

    Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 44.75 % faster than the average for host (cox.net)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-FYTAP8NXQ

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 525 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 64 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem)

    Test Time:: Thu May 26 2005 06:59:09 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time)

    Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 16 sec

    Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 37.43 % faster than the average for host (cox.net)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IQJTRKZFN

  12. Sometimes my panties get all wadded up, and sitting for long periods of time becomes uncomfortable. Often during these spells, I wonder why I wear women's underwear. What's the point? I ask myself. Why the self-ridiculing routine? It's been terrible for my ego. But then I slip a hand down the back of my pants, slide my fingers along the silky fabric of the underwear that's tight against my skin, and I remember exactly why. Man, these panties are great.

    that's fantastic that you're so in touch that you can share that with us, in such detail...what a visual...is that a thong or boy cuts...got any pictures? :haha: :haha:

  13. oh yeah... can't forget damnbot.com -- http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://damnbot.com

    or another dead old domain of mine, poopz.com (hehe) http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://poopz.com -- when I defaulted on that domain name someone turned it into a porn site

    God, there are so many other domains I had... I can't even remember all of them...

    all of my old ones are owned by other people who wanted the traffic....

    ahhhh...memory lane...i'm strolling...but don't forget dr nomad...

    edit: for additional comment

    naw ... back november 2001 -- look there ;) ~~ that's when I moved to this domain name. surftohere.com died shortly after ;-)

    OMG!! your right...that's like the first testmy page ever...how cool is this...nov 29, 2001 i think it was an extention of surftohere...i was so sad when surftohere died :(

  14. hmmmmm...i'm gettin the impression some of u r relating to this...huh? :haha:...definately hilarious fer shur...yep catchy lil tune still buzzin in my head...oh wait...that's the rush hour traffic i just came out of :P

  15. I beleive you go to Profile, look and layout pref. and uncheck Return to topics after posting by default.

    Not sure though.

    i've checked it...unchecked it...checked it again...and just unchecked it again...so now we'll see what happens...i'll go back in and edit my post to give the result :D

    edit: nope took me to here https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=4.0

    the topics board for "Got any ideas to make testmy.net better?"...geesh...**stomping my feet now**

  16. I was thinking that Radio Shack had something to do with AOL's start but I found this on the web , not sure how accurate it is.



    ahhh see i had it a little mixed up...it was compu-serve that missed the 'big deal in 1991...quantum link became apple link became aol...errr sumpin like that...way confusing...see for urself..


    very interesting bit of internet hx at any rate

  17. i use firefox...not sure why...uh...cuz my son installed it and it works fine...found some things i can't do with it like 'copy to clipboard'...but it works fine for me...i'm happy to use something other than an m$ product...but let's face it where would most of us be with out m$...i think most of us use windows of some sort...i still use ie sometimes tho.

    hey has anyone heard the 'wayback' story about the contract in the making apple had (with someone...sorry another lost detail) for an isp (now...forgive me if i twist a detail or two...not intentional)...everything was all set ready to go...then at the last minute they (apple) backed out because of some clause they didn't like in the contract and they thought they'd end up losing money...another small company (don't know the name it was back then) picked it up (the contract)...the evolution...that isp came to be known as AOL...if somebody has the details of this story....please share...i can't find the article...and this is modern history.

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