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Everything posted by AlucardHS

  1. prove it wrong and post the results here !
  2. The next Big Update for the WP7 OS Now i give you Joe Belfiore, corporate vice president in Windows Phone to show off some of the new features coming in the Mango release of Windows Phone.
  3. i would start here http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/try-it.aspx and do the labs Edit: best way is by playing with it(no pun intended) ill link you to a book when i find it
  4. This thread is now about Detroit and the many things wrong with it GO -->
  5. this and other things not need mentioning.
  6. Really? All i heard was "wow i love my Android because i feel it is a good os" its not slow? 3 things. Go in any browser and flick scroll its slow as hell pinch to zoom anywhere, not only is it impeded by horrible hardware acceleration but entire operation is slower than molasses. third play a game - even on dual core processors and regardless of OS's and compare the speed and experience to Windows or even god awful iPhone. Google's acquisition of the company that has created Android has made themselves rich but ffs lets be honest. Android was nothing without Verizon, sales were mediocre and it was on its way to being another webos. So while I'm glade that user had a good experience think of the users that dont. That list is growing and Google isn't doing much to solve those problems: in fragmentation, in acceleration, and in general developer architecture. Bottom line is this: Google will NOT be number 1 forever ! And you want to talk about fanboy, take your Android and put it against an out of box WP7 seriously. I can say I spend a major amount of time testing oses before i comment, can you?
  7. the mod makes sense android is f-ing ugly ! first youtube is not a bsod but a problem with the hd7 not representative of all wp devices its not a bsod the only reason why its blue is because of color scheme the youtube shows the result but what steps were taken for the device to get that way ?!?!? it could be program in memory it could be a hiccup or it could be user error but it is quite interesting we only see the result i wonder ? what is more interesting is the recovery 15 seconds without a soft reset !!!! i would love to see android do that or even apple that's not happening EVER! so ideally while thats a great google not really representative of all devices or windows phone 7 as an os it has its faults all oses do but that is the weakest thing i've ever seen :2funny: got anything better ???
  8. if your phone was working why did you root in the first place I have been running windows mobile and windows phone and they don't blue screen! However http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=android+fail&aq=f and http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=format+card+in+windows+mobile+6.5#hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&pq=format%20card%20in%20windows%20mobile%206.5&xhr=t&q=android+virus&cp=11&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=android+vir&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=2be109a906644546 android virus and frequent fails ahuh
  9. yeah linux is soooooo good that's why it is the number two OS behind windows oh wait it's not oh go android ! oh but wait you have to root it before you get a good device and flash a rom practically once every few days to solve some idiotic problems google won't fix yet someone in china can fix them and make the os google should've made windows phone has its problems like all mobile phones but at least all I have to do is turn it on and it WORKS !!!!! that's it then you can do things like work and be with your significant other FFS
  10. The HTC Arrive smartphone is the first device for Sprint based on Windows Phone 7. The Arrive offers an innovative design with a slide-out full QWERTY keyboard and tilt-up display and provides an incredible experience leveraging well-known Microsoft services like Microsoft Mobile Office, Zune, and XBOX Live. Windows Phone 7 features Hubs for quick and easy access to your most valuable content including People, Pictures, Games, Music, and Video, Office, and Marketplace. Additionally, the Start screen is customizable with Live Tiles that come to life with real-time updates. Depending on the app, the Live Tiles show pending messages and appointments, news and weather, or game and friend status - all continuously refreshed by the Internet. Already been ordered, waiting to see if newegg will get any more to ship out today !
  11. so glad my phone does not have cheap plastic in it !
  12. if its not the Last WM Phone (HD2) no Dev would buy it. WM itself is dying if not dead. Using the HD2 to port WP7 seems a success so far give few bugs here and there from what i have seem myself. Devs have moved from WM to Droid or Mac when MS has not given anything new to use for the time being. As far as WP7 they are growing steady. Only thing that pisses me off is the majority of Lazy Devs just porting WM apps to the WP7 interface.
  13. HTC Needs to step up IMO ! Better gpu, big screen phones are not innovative, add a better lcd display, bigger battery life, quit being cheap on construction. Seems they have gotten use to being at the top they lost some sight of things. As for Faildroid, any phone maker can shove as much power into that phone as they want that OS will still bottleneck.
  14. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817264004&cm_re=usb_ethernet_adapter-_-17-264-004-_-Product
  15. hey my banters are epicly awsome ! and i can work with this title ill get to this tomarrow in the morning with my opion too tired
  16. This wont be hard to find its so small and simple and out of the ordanary. Honestly i dont care if this is not found on search engines but i know people will read it due to curiosity. Oh i wonder what this is? As for a responce i have this in about 3 other places im just collecting info on opions. Im not trying to turn this into a this vs that as the current title is doing.
  17. Ok this new title is not what I wanted Change back I prefer to keep my own unique topic titles and not be boring with them. thx and hi
  18. Do you feel that Android is indeed too fragmented? How does this impact users?
  19. well this thread was popular
  20. So this what you get when apple runs out of ideas. The first eletronic female hygene product!
  21. test quote and topic order
  22. Woot to new board !!!
  23. And you sir have just made my point!
  24. Oh im sure you can upgrade certain parts but as you have said earlier the OS is tied to the hardware. So you are limited to what type of anything you want to swap out. So if the hardware is not Mac OS certified you cant really fully use it right.
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