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sdasd reacted to wmertens in Generate upload data in-browser
To do the upload test, it seems to first download data. This can be very slow.
Would it not be possible to generate the test data in the browser, with some checksum that has to be different from the last 10000 checksums and is checked on the server?
sdasd reacted to CA3LE in Generate upload data in-browser
Very interesting, I'll keep this in mind...
sdasd reacted to Tiehard in Show ping amongst test results
Hi, I just found this internet speed test site and I think it's great and it seems to give the most reliable results I have found yet.
I can't seem to find the ping result however, is it possible to see your ping amongst the final test results?
All the other internet speed tests show ping, I think you guys should do that as well!
sdasd reacted to Tiehard in Show ping amongst test results
Hi, I just found this internet speed test site and I think it's great and it seems to give the most reliable results I have found yet.
I can't seem to find the ping result however, is it possible to see your ping amongst the final test results?
All the other internet speed tests show ping, I think you guys should do that as well!
sdasd reacted to Aalnius in Show ping amongst test results
Yeh i came here to say exactly this, ping is an important factor for me.
sdasd reacted to mudmanc4 in Show ping amongst test results
@Aalnius , We can find results by checking the header, where auto RT is performed to the users default server:
And as well on the test server selection page, just give it a minute to test on it's own and report back:
sdasd reacted to CA3LE in Generate upload data in-browser
Update: the upcoming new release has this... I love it! Renders instantly regardless of the test size or connection speed. -- it's actually a combination of the current server-side rendering and client-side rendering. Came together extremely fast once I got on the task actually. I mean... it's totally instant. Also saves everyone time and bandwidth, sweet!
... the upload test will also include progress. Works amazingly too.
Such an optimal idea, thank you! PM me if you want beta information.
sdasd reacted to Gkennedy88 in Filter by Time Frame, & or Auto Test
Currently you can narrow the results down to a certain number of days from a certain date. So if you have run an auto test to show to your ISP but have also done other speed tests in the same day, that were not an auto test over time, you currently have no way to filter them down.
So I think if you added in the ability to narrow by a certain time frame on the days displayed, like from 8:00 pm (20:00 hours) to 10:00 pm (22:00 hours) it would help us to get an accurate reading during a certain time period.
Also think it might be a good idea since the system logs the different types of test such as
1. Only a download test
2. Only an Upload test
If there was an identifier for the Auto Speed Tests in which you could narrow the results to only show the Auto Test results. So people can show their ISP there data speeds over a time period of repetitive tests, instead of all the results for the day.
sdasd reacted to Gkennedy88 in Filter by Time Frame, & or Auto Test
Currently you can narrow the results down to a certain number of days from a certain date. So if you have run an auto test to show to your ISP but have also done other speed tests in the same day, that were not an auto test over time, you currently have no way to filter them down.
So I think if you added in the ability to narrow by a certain time frame on the days displayed, like from 8:00 pm (20:00 hours) to 10:00 pm (22:00 hours) it would help us to get an accurate reading during a certain time period.
Also think it might be a good idea since the system logs the different types of test such as
1. Only a download test
2. Only an Upload test
If there was an identifier for the Auto Speed Tests in which you could narrow the results to only show the Auto Test results. So people can show their ISP there data speeds over a time period of repetitive tests, instead of all the results for the day.
sdasd reacted to Gkennedy88 in Filter by Time Frame, & or Auto Test
Currently you can narrow the results down to a certain number of days from a certain date. So if you have run an auto test to show to your ISP but have also done other speed tests in the same day, that were not an auto test over time, you currently have no way to filter them down.
So I think if you added in the ability to narrow by a certain time frame on the days displayed, like from 8:00 pm (20:00 hours) to 10:00 pm (22:00 hours) it would help us to get an accurate reading during a certain time period.
Also think it might be a good idea since the system logs the different types of test such as
1. Only a download test
2. Only an Upload test
If there was an identifier for the Auto Speed Tests in which you could narrow the results to only show the Auto Test results. So people can show their ISP there data speeds over a time period of repetitive tests, instead of all the results for the day.
sdasd reacted to sandy3269 in Throttling
A Testmy.net plugin for Firefox, enabling normal net speed tests along with possible throttling information based on where you were trying too connect too.
sdasd reacted to CA3LE in Number of Runs by user amount
Makes total sense.
When that was originally designed I believe it was intended on being used hourly. More frequent intervals came later.
I intend on building in more javascript logic on that page so that the automatic speed test selection is more intuitive. You'll instead select the frequency and then how many hours or days you'd like the test to run for. It will be quicker and easier for me to just build a new javascript UI that makes the calculations and enters the correct values than to re-work the actual program itself.
Always keep in mind that most things here are customizable if you know the right tricks. The auto test for instance, if you want it to run a specific number that's not listed in the interface you can alter the URL in your browser.
... start an auto test with any number selected, then copy the url in your browser and end the test.
see the xtimes=12 ... change that to whatever number you want. Then paste it back in your browser to start the test. You can just alter the URL in the browser but if you don't stop the test first your test count will be slightly off. If you use the same parameters all the time just have the URL in a txt file on your desktop or bookmark it.
Also added 2-99 for you in the interface.
Very quick and easy to do.
We'll just let your browser generate those fields in for me.
$deferJS .= ' <script> $(function(){ var $select = $(".1-100"); var selectedVar = ""; for (i=2;i<=99;i++){'; if(is_numeric($xtimes)){ $deferJS .= ' if(i == '.$xtimes.'){ selectedVar = \' selected="selected"\'; }else{ selectedVar = ""; }'; } $deferJS .= ' $select.append($("<option"+selectedVar+"></option>").val(i).html(i+"'.$timesPrintVar1.'")); } }); </script>';
sdasd reacted to ShakTib in Number of Runs by user amount
Curious, would it be possible to run the test based on user amount?
Rather than pre-defined options?
I am talking about the "Repeat up-to"
Rather than being a drop down and choose from a set parameters, can we just choose the number of repetitions? (The user enters their own number)
Its a small suggestion, don't know how big of an impact it is on the website side to change...
Call it OCD or what not, (I don't think it even falls under OCD), but when I chose "Everything 10 mins" I can't select "Repeat up-to: 6" because that would be an hour, I get an option to run it for 5 times (50 mins) or 10 times (100 mins/1hr and 40mins) or 12 times (2 hrs).
Other examples and variations exists, but grr I can't have a select set of hours... based on when I am returning from work, or if I am out for 1.5hrs I want results to be done by then but not before and not on going when I return.
Does that make sense? No? Ok I'll shut up
Thanks for reading.
sdasd reacted to e2russ in App to download and runs in the background
Would be great to have a small background app that runs Auto Test for long term tests and stats.
sdasd reacted to Ernest Sales in cookies banner
Indeed! An add-on, Privacy Badger, was blocking cookies from *.quantcast.* ; allowing them solved the problem. I also warned the developer, the EFF.
Thank you!
sdasd reacted to CA3LE in Bufferbloat! (latency under load)
Many more updates planned. Bufferbloat is really high on the list. I'll get crackin' on that for you real soon. Parts of that have already been built.
Thank you for the great suggestion, keep 'em coming. ?
sdasd reacted to koolice in Android App
You defenitely need an android app to help us use your service without a browser on our mobile device
sdasd reacted to mudmanc4 in Let it all hang out
I'm with you on this. And I should have thought to come up with it, never crossed my mind.
Back some years ago, I did a lot of jobs in the middle of no where. New construction, no bath, no porta, nothing. So I'd dig a small hole somewhere inconspicuous and have at it. never went so smooth and easy. And never put one thought to it as to why.
sdasd reacted to CA3LE in Let it all hang out
Way off topic.
First, go ahead and call me out on the "squatty potty" in my search bar. I love all of mine so much I happen to be buying one for another friend. I then I see the knock-offs --- or hell, maybe this one's the original and is pissed that squatty potty got the gold. wtf do I know about the squat wars. (assuming that's what they'd call them)
I introduce, the Poop Stoop! It's like squatty potty SUPER pro! Not joking, I think you have to have a hippie license to use it.
"Get it GiiiiRL!" -- Let it allllll hang out!
Casting director, "Can you... let it all... hang ou...."
-- she lifts her arms up, points to her 'stash and then does jazz fingers all the way down to her hairy toes ---
Casting director, "YOU'VE GOT THE PART!"
By the way, if you need a squatty potty on the go... flip over your friends little bathroom trash can. haha, better than nothing. Seriously, after you've trained yourself (and your body) to s#!+ correctly... it feels stupid any other way.
If you aren't already doing this, btw it benefits everyone. Look closely at our anatomy and what happens when we sit. Your knees must be much higher than your hips for correct evacuation of the bowels. Anatomy. ..... "let it all hang out."
By the way - poopstoops.com was registered WAY after Squattypotty.com and far after the original Shark Tank airing. Obvious to me who the OG is. Didn't really need to search to know that but ...due diligence. ...You need to check to make sure when unknown variables come into play. Domain age isn't always a factor but in this case I think it is.
The search for Shark Tank s06e09 shows that it was aired...
November 14 2014, haha, N-14-14. Seriously. That's funny. --- Now I think that 14 is a lucky number for squatty potty. N itself is 14 (N for November - 14th letter of the alphabet) ... then 14th day of the 14th year (of the 2nd millennia). What a cool day for that company, rightfully so.
Be a flower child and let it all hang out. Do you use one, what's your experience? If not, have you heard of them? Do you know the benefits?
#squat4life -- not like I hash tag or anything, just thought that's funny.
sdasd reacted to mudmanc4 in Let it all hang out
I'm with you on this. And I should have thought to come up with it, never crossed my mind.
Back some years ago, I did a lot of jobs in the middle of no where. New construction, no bath, no porta, nothing. So I'd dig a small hole somewhere inconspicuous and have at it. never went so smooth and easy. And never put one thought to it as to why.
sdasd reacted to Kiwegapawa in Yesterday the 10th of October were deleted.
How is it after I call Time Warner Cab le, Aka Spectrum to report my Bandwidth below zero going there in the 4th time this week.At the points of time they occurred & I still being logged in on a 12 hour speed test to find the beginning of these test still being run now been deleted in it's first part during the 10th. Those points coming up on midnight start just after 10 pm?
Bandwidth Stealing is a felony good for a minimum of 10 yrs in prison. I Testmy.Net a part of a community to keep from criminal exploitation, or is it place where backroom payoff's is the authority of cover up. Not a happy camper in my findings to say the least!
Note how the 6th is drawed out in a much larger section of time line yet the 10th gone in the beginning of the testing?. I have the exact point of timed when at zero bandwidth refrerence recorded from when I was on the phone with Spectrum. This as I do record all phone calls. As you see thoseg points on the 19th are no longer there.. Are you part of the problem or part of the cure. As we are talking about aiding the commission of a felony?
sdasd reacted to Kiwegapawa in Yesterday the 10th of October were deleted.
How is it after I call Time Warner Cab le, Aka Spectrum to report my Bandwidth below zero going there in the 4th time this week.At the points of time they occurred & I still being logged in on a 12 hour speed test to find the beginning of these test still being run now been deleted in it's first part during the 10th. Those points coming up on midnight start just after 10 pm?
Bandwidth Stealing is a felony good for a minimum of 10 yrs in prison. I Testmy.Net a part of a community to keep from criminal exploitation, or is it place where backroom payoff's is the authority of cover up. Not a happy camper in my findings to say the least!
Note how the 6th is drawed out in a much larger section of time line yet the 10th gone in the beginning of the testing?. I have the exact point of timed when at zero bandwidth refrerence recorded from when I was on the phone with Spectrum. This as I do record all phone calls. As you see thoseg points on the 19th are no longer there.. Are you part of the problem or part of the cure. As we are talking about aiding the commission of a felony?
sdasd reacted to x_6985381 in Anddddd I'm back
I fell off the edge of the earth a little bit, but am still alive! Haha hey!