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  • Birthday 06/22/1976

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    fast downstream speeds

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  1. thanks for the hard work youve done my man...!!1!! big big ups to ya!!
  2. earlier i had 2 tabs open...one was on photobucket and another one on another site....looked in taskmanager and it was using 122mb wtf?? looking like ill be going back to using opera if i dont like chrome too much
  3. im using chrome now....and not nearly a resourse hog like FF3 seems to be....unless im doing something wrong of course....fireofx used to not be like this...
  4. did NOT want to see rosie o donnell topless pix
  5. how in your siggy S1 do you get that info to display in sigX?
  6. thats an older pic...think 3 yrs ago.... least we know the turkey wasnt gay....he loves bush!!! :haha: :cheesy: :2funny: smart bird...
  7. happy happy thanksgiving all
  8. and seems you picked her up didnt ya?
  9. june... will be forgotten by then...hehe
  10. hope i get that kind of treatment on my bday....lol
  11. if you pay for it....im on my way!!
  12. gawd!! the DL time is awfil....
  13. mines in my siggy.... and still embarq says im not eligible for 10Mbps....and im suscribed to 5 M service and they say its not possible my speeds that high.... pffft bunch of fuggers....i understand why im not eligible...due to distance...but im only 1.1 miles from the DSLAM....but embarq wont budge.... any way i can make em? suggestions?
  14. welcome to the jungle! and good luck with getting your speeds higher
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