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Everything posted by bryanlautt

  1. Mines a 3.0 but i guess thats because graphics isnt the best on a laptop.
  2. Actually it is true though the closer you are to a test server the less hops that your packets will have to travel and therefore you will have better through put, just like when i test i get better results from closer servers suck as speakeasy in chicago. To bad testmy.net did have differents testing servers located in different parts of the usa that way the people that live close to texas always seem to have the best speeds and ping times then the ones that live further away from the servers. My ISP test server is like 70 miles from me and i have noticed i always get better throughput there then any other test site.
  3. Midcontinent Midco Max - Unrestricted/512 Price 49.95 Month
  4. i just have weekly scans setup is all, that is plenty, I use Trendmicro antivirus with antispyware, its pretty qiuck and since ive always used there housecall. they might not me the best but there not a resource hog like norton or mcafee. I also have spy sweeper 5.3 but that program is to slow for me.
  5. Thats true to a point but i can vouch that ISPs do have trouble at times like for instance im running about 4 to 5 right now and actually the trouble ticket has escaled all the way up to the network engineers and NOC. They believe its either the Node or somewhere between my place and the Node it kinda sucks right now but i guess at least im still getting around 4 or 5mb down but its a big difference from the 14mb connection that im suppose to obtain give or take a little at times but generally around 14mb But at least there giving me a 15 dollar credit for this month since im running bascially at there lower level package
  6. thats is about what i get with my wireless connection
  7. Thats the same one in my laptop, its the mk36 2.0GHz
  8. Nice to see another true AMD Fan!!
  9. Yeah pretty good for boost to bad it doesnt last like that for a large 500 or 1 gig file download
  10. I wont be happy untill the ISP's have packages of 1Gig both down and up
  11. I whish i could have that right now?
  12. I never do lol there good be a nuc war going on and i wouldnt know about it lol
  13. Remember those power horse commodore 64's lol
  14. I have never had heat issues with any of the AMD's that i have ran. Then again im not a OC
  15. that would be nice to have
  16. Yeah i never did jump on the Pre N, I'll just wait untill N comes out of beta so to speak. If im going to have a 1Gig Lan might as well get my wireless smoking alot faster.
  17. My insight in this matter is that if your an avid gamer then yeah dual core will be plenty. if your an autocad photoshop type of person then yeah i can see where quad core would be the ideal choice and also for bregging rights too lol I myself will get the AMD's quad core just for bregging rights. just like why i have wireless laptops because i like the freedom without wires.
  18. Yeah for real but although im not a Pentium fan just waiting for the Quad Core to come out in AMD and yes some of you pentium fans probably just switched after they came out with there duo core2 but i myself am a faithfull AMD fan not to pentium can afford the high dollar cpus lol Modified by just-: just took ur comment out of the quote part
  19. Yeah you would think because if they can have wireless networks as an ISP well they should be able to produce equipment for the consumers.
  20. Oh well at least theres someone else lol i was beginning to think i was alone in this deal.
  21. It would be nice if they would come out with gigabit wireless
  22. Ping rates with wireless are about as same wired here Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=49 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 48ms, Maximum = 49ms, Average = 48ms
  23. I have noticed that the CPU-Z program isnt that accurate considering it thinks i have the 200 chipset but in reality i actually have the express 1100 chipset as you can see in the link below
  24. Yeah isnt that the truth. ive been pulling between 8 and 10mb with my wireless laptop wondering if thats good or maybe i could get better i know with me wired pc/server i get around 13 to 14mb
  25. I could get FIOS here well its not Verizon but is a small company in my town that offers fiber right into your house. theres no modem of no such just hooks up right into your router or if you dont have a router right into your computer so i guess its one less device that it has to go through but i know they offer 10mb down and 512 up but i cant get it in my apartment because landlord doesnt want all those wires on his building because they would have to run network cable all over the building.
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