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Everything posted by bryanlautt

  1. I have always used Asus Boards Just have found those boards to give top notch in speed and reliablility. had very bad luck with Gigabyte boards!
  2. Oh your probably right, but right now since I sold my other gaming computer this one is my gf's PC well actually mostly mine now since i have done upgrading up the system, right now I mainly use it for my FTP Server. It has: XP Pro AMD Slot A 700MHz 512 PC100 Ram WD 7200 80Gig 8MB buffer--System Drive WD 7200 40Gig--Backup Drive LG 16x DVD-/+RW The Famous Nvidia TNT2 Card 19" Wide Screen Proview Case is Antec with a 380 Watt Powersupply Hooked up to 2 USB HD's one 160gig and the other 80Gig The 80Gig i use for my FTP files which actually does pretty good.
  3. I dont think this is to bad for my wireless laptop.
  4. I have a couple of laptops as well, mine I just upgraded from 1gig 533 to 2gig 677 The pic above is my Server/Gaming machine New specs for Server/Gamer machine will be Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD3200KS 320GB Serial ATA II 7200RPM Hard Drive w/16MB Buffer LG GSA-H42NK 18X Dual Layer DVD
  5. I think you got it all mixed up.
  6. I know i have only a gig of ram and i have 3.9 score, tomorrow i have my 2 gigs here in the mail i will see what kind of a difference it makes. You must have cheap memory then if only a 5.2 for 4gigs of Ram http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/windowsvista/krieger_wei.mspx Read the section about memory and how it affects the scoring this is from microsoft so i am pretty sure they know how there OS works. After all they did design it
  7. No it actually goes by how much Ram you have installed, read this link. http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/pages/458117.aspx
  8. Well actually they bought out AT&T's broadband customers
  9. Comcast already bought out AT&T
  10. Never had a problem with Vista, i like the security and the fact that the OS is a self healer and fixes most problems in the background without even bothering you about them.
  11. I dont think that would happen with Verizon especially the billions of dollars they have been inviesting in fiber.
  12. whos your ISP provider??
  13. Yeah im in the process of ordering 2 Raptor Drives and going to setup Raid 0 I do backups on all my systems every week.
  14. You can make a RAID 0 with two or more hard drives. RAID 0 writes to and reads from each drive at the same time, splitting data among them. This division of data, called striping, can mean about 50% more speed over a system with a single hard disk or multiple unRAIDed drives. Because hard drive speed is a major factor in how fast a computer "feels"
  15. Oh well yeah you have a point but why are computer manufactures deploying there systems with raid 0, on there top notch systems.
  16. What package do you have from your ISP
  17. oh i wasnt stating faster for rendering times i was merely stating that Raid is cool because of all the different types of Raid that a person can have. to me its not just a waist of money if you want performance or if you want to use Raid for Redundancy.
  18. Raid is cool if you want piece of mind knowing if one drive fails the other drive will kick in
  19. AMD and ATI = One Sweet Combo
  20. I found this interesting that MIcrosoft invested 1 billion dollars in Comcast http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comcast I do know that Comcast owns 49% of my cable company Midcontinent just waiting for them to deside to gobble them up whole lol
  21. Your not the only one with problems i lost about half of my sinces since the end of feb.
  22. They been pretty accurate for me
  23. The only other option would be try replacing the color with a new one because sometimes just because they have ink in them then can go bad and if that doesnt work then most likely is your printer and needs to be serviced but most like printers are cheap enough now days to just buy a new one.
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