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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by bryanlautt

  1. Interesting how wireless flucuates please remove the image directlink next time you post a result, you dont want to advertise for them right?
  2. please remove the image directlink next time you post a result, you dont want to advertise for them right?
  3. Yeah i only get an average of 10mb down with Midcontinent. of course with my wired system i get an average of 12 to 13mb so i do loose some with my wireless laptop
  4. What package do u have with comcast??
  5. didnt know either since Midcontinent and Comcast work together
  6. I will say when testing from my XP machine which is wired its runs around 10 to 12Mbps on this site then of course the settings are also tweaked. With the laptop at www.speedtest.net site i get around 11Mbps and with my ISP test site i get around 10Mbps average so i guess the question is, is this good since this laptop is wireless connection and nothing as been tweaked??
  7. Forgot to add my upload test Your connection is: 456 Kbps or 0.5 Mbps You uploaded at: 56 kB/s You are running: 8 times faster than 56K and can upload 1 megabyte in 18.29 second(s) Member Ident:Username:bryanlautt CompID:2221126229 Test Time:: 2007/03/15 - 12:34am Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.2) Test ID: IDG6MXBUR (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 83.87 % faster than the average for host (midco.net) This was tested from a 748 kB file and took 13.43 seconds to complete
  8. This was tested off of my Vista wireless Laptop Your connection is: 8523 Kbps or 8.5 Mbps You downloaded at: 1040 kB/s You are running: 149 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 0.98 second(s) Member Ident:Username:bryanlautt CompID:2221126229 Test Time:: 2007/03/15 - 12:28am Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.2) Test ID: CS4KYZI1G (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 76.5 % faster than the average for host (midco.net) This was tested from a 12160 kB file and took 11.687 seconds to complete
  9. I decided to run this, kinda wierd that the windows is smaller then XP default window size or am i wrong about this.
  10. Thanks for the input maybe i'll just wait and see if evently the stack will fine tune itself to reach better thoughput.
  11. anybody know a program out there that can tweak Win Vista settings since there completely different Stack compared to XP and earlier.
  12. Yeah i have always prefered Avast
  13. I personally like Avast. Works really good on Vista
  14. I really dought that you will be able to go any faster then what your already going at since Cable Modems only support 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 versions. The 3.0 version hasnt come out yet. 2.0 caps at 32mb I believe that to be true with all HSC companies using the 2.0 version.
  15. I had Medicomm in SD at one time and they were crappy, always never got what i was paying for, i was suppose to have that 5mb package and i most of the time got only around 1 to 2mb sometimes even less then 1mb. I have Midcontinent now and I love it alot better then Medicomm or Mediacrap.
  16. whish my ISP was as fast as RR or even Optimum speaking do all of you guys and gals live close to texas to get those really high speeds at this site?? Also do you all live in big cities
  17. Who is your provider??
  18. I can do alot better with my ISP Test Server or even Speakeasy or even Charters SpeedTest :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 9348 Kbps about 9.35 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1141 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 665 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 81 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/11/14 - 6:01am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QD64LHFB9 U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-XCYUBK28H User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!] Below is Charters Speedtest TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3e click START to begin Preparing Speedtest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 726.36Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 13.44Mb/s Your speed is 244.49 times faster than 56Kb dialup The test below is with Speakeasy, Chicago test site. Download Speed: 17984 kbps (2248 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 704 kbps (88 KB/sec transfer rate) Last and final test i ran is with my own ISP Test server Download Speed: 21443 kbps (2680.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 703 kbps (87.9 KB/sec transfer rate) The best i have ever got on Testmy was around 17mb but that was before the reload of Ca3les server
  19. Yeah i think the upload should be faster but i guess it could be if you want to pay an extra 100 bucks a month to get the 1500 upload lol i think i'll just settle for the 768 for 95, kinda crazy though since even mediacom in this area are going to at least 1000 for the upload and thats for the residential. oh well any little bit helps out just whish Midco would get off there butt and bump things up faster especially the upload because we all know that you can have a real fast download but the server you are visiting will only send the data to you as fast as it is setup to do so. but Midco has there own backbone which is nice in some aspect, actually they have two networks when one goes down the other picks up the load.
  20. which one would i use i have unrestricted download speeds and a caped upload of 768 and i have xp pro
  21. lol oh come on you can splurge I Love my Dlink Wireless Gaming router called the Gamers Lounge Its a sweet one, very sleek in design with the awsome blue led light. Its the best one that i have used. I have used both Linksys and Netgear, but found out that this new Dlink spanks butt!!
  22. i did that wget download test but cant seem to find where it put the file at lol
  23. This test was taken off of my ISP Test Server
  24. Hello Boy I just Wish I could go faster!!
  25. dang, i pay 95 a month for my HSC. of course those its a Buisness package with unlimited IP's if i need alot of them but here at this site i only average lately around 9 to 12mb, with my ISP speedtest i always get around 20 to 22mb.
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