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Everything posted by Storm311

  1. I agree
  2. When you contact the VOIP provider, what are the minimum uploads/downloads that they require and you are on wireless? is that correct?
  3. HAH! I still maintain that I'd like to have a pure chrome car
  4. :2funny: gotta love that quote though! good movie.....
  5. NO! I am Sparticus
  6. He's ok sometimes j/k Tommie And whats with this...thought that was ROFL instead of
  7. HAHA ROTFLMBFHAO...that rules
  8. Guess that explains why I get so much F%^&*($ SPAM...about 1500 messages every 5 days Maybe one of these days I'll start reading terms and conditions
  9. :haha: It was a picturebook with the popup pictures
  10. Welcome to the forum pep! Enjoy your stay. And Sparticus does know what he's talking about (most times j/k) so whatever advice he has its all good
  11. lol..welcome to the club also Sparticus...confusion is my world because my brain = a rock
  12. Hmm...spray on chrome eh? Not too sure about that...if I had a use for it I might have actually tried buying it lol. I used to spraypaing everything...bought a car for 200 bucks and spray painted it black But chrome in a can is new by me and I'm pretty redneck lol
  13. Don't think so, I don't think they are too worried about it for some reason, but I may be upgrading this weekend so we'll see what I can pull afterwards.
  14. LOL....ouchies
  15. Especially the chat option..thats pretty slick
  16. That guaranteed 900 is for 79.95 a month then downhill from there. The 69.95 a month guarantees 600 and the 49.95 guarantees 350.
  17. Still workin on it though, thats the highest i've had...usually floats around 13 even. Thinkin about upgrading my package to see what I can get, calling them this weekend to look into it
  18. Thats what I'm pulling tonight, not too bad really...guess I'll never be happy though :haha:
  19. LMFAO....thats quality TV right there Gotta love YOUTUBE
  20. I agree, I mean the best package we offer is 1.5 Mb but that is *up to* minimum for that is 900 so WB doesn't offer a whole lot for packages
  21. Ugh...grime...and sticky mess...I'm not cleanin' that up
  22. PAM works pretty good actually, I've had customers tell me they cover their dish in PAM..but RAINX...not too sure about that
  23. those speeds. Might be careful with that, surfing fast can strain your eyes!
  24. lol its all true...but WB is launching a 2nd satellite this spring and we just did a network upgrade to allow for more bandwidth..but if they keep up this trend they aren't going to last long IMHO
  25. lol its ok, i probably spend more time on the computer than you do...about a minimum of 12 - 14 hours a day except weekends. So I think I'll be screwed before you
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