Hmm...spray on chrome eh? Not too sure about that...if I had a use for it I might have actually tried buying it lol. I used to spraypaing everything...bought a car for 200 bucks and spray painted it black
But chrome in a can is new by me and I'm pretty redneck lol
Don't think so, I don't think they are too worried about it for some reason, but I may be upgrading this weekend so we'll see what I can pull afterwards.
Still workin on it though, thats the highest i've had...usually floats around 13 even. Thinkin about upgrading my package to see what I can get, calling them this weekend to look into it
lol its all true...but WB is launching a 2nd satellite this spring and we just did a network upgrade to allow for more bandwidth..but if they keep up this trend they aren't going to last long IMHO
lol its ok, i probably spend more time on the computer than you do...about a minimum of 12 - 14 hours a day except weekends. So I think I'll be screwed before you