I installed KDE and it works perfectly. Just went to the application installation area and installed the package from my disk and removed GNOME so its all good now. I do like KDE better to be honest
Yeah, its all a matter of preference, they have the same functions/features just depends on what you want with the phone. Myself..I'd be happy with a phone that didn't power cycle 10 times a day
Couldn't mount my windows drives, tried a whole lot of different things and it never would mount them for me, but when I installed suse it automatically found them, ubuntu just wasn't for me i guess.
I'll have to look into it when I get home, I'll just use my favorite tool (GooGle) and see what I can find...re-install will suck but I can get back to that point with no problem
mmmm...gnome Gnome is my preference here, set up SuSe a few days ogo (deleted Ubuntu out couldn't stand it) and I set up using Gnome and I love every bit of it
Also for more information on the phones www.phonescoop.com and look up the make/model. I don't think you can windows apps on the TREO because its Palm (used to work for cell phone insurance) but I like the window apps myself because I have 7 Windows computers and its easier to sync and what not. My uncle has a Palm OS device and has had constant trouble sync'ing in Windows. My preference is like the Audiovox PDA phones. Hope that link helps
What an a$$...brings back to memory Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Wouldn't it be nice if you could find out who it was and just go beat the crap out of them?
Don't know about you all, but I can respect that. I do drink..but don't touch weed or drugs period. Only thing I'm really addicted to is speed (in my car!..what were YOU thinking ) and video games.