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Everything posted by Storm311

  1. Nice...bust em for drugs and make them pay taxes on it....at that rate just legalize it, like they said above it IS a lost battle and thats been known for YEARS!
  2. Personally I use Nero Ultimate edition and Alchohol 120%...didn't pay a thing for either of them, just hit up a bit torrent and you can get just about anything you want
  3. I had a costly one myself, about 150 bucks! Was playing a game talking on ventrilo and decided I needed something to drink. Left my headphones on and got up to go grab a drink and the headset pulled on the tower and the whole thing came crashing down on my desk. Broke my tower case and cracked my desk
  4. Actually now you are only allowed 3 returns without a receipt per year, the policy was changed to stop that kind of activity because there were people taking things back like that and they noticed sometimes it wasn't even their items that were returned. But if you have the receipt you are really golden in taht case..as for returning something that was 2 years old I've done it too!
  5. Like my fiance when she eats shrimp...its like a damn chemical attack...makes me wish i had a gas mask!
  6. I like the idea with the trees, but I live in the middle of town...there is no way to have that kind of shade or even the wall of evergreens...so those of us in town are just kind of boned! So what we are doing is putting a pool in the back for the hot summer days
  7. Honestly, what I think, is more states should do what Michigan and those others do and put the deposits on the cans/bottles. I mean if you pay 10 cents thats 2$ per 20 pack of whatever..wouldn't you want that 2$ back rather than trashing them? I know I would Maybe I should write a congressman for my state or something
  8. Mostly I go thru soda cans and a TON of beer bottles So with the way I consume I need to start recycling and if anything it would count as doing my part, plus the trash company recycles and they will hook me up with those bins
  9. I know we are on a destructive path and I don't really have any room to talk because I eat a lot of resources myself and drive a 1998 Camaro Z28 with chopped exhaust - not much I can do about the car since I still owe a crapload of money on it...but I'm actually starting to recycle what I can since I use a lot of crap. i don't want earth to be screwed..but at the same time I'm not a tree hugger...just your average joe
  10. Wow...pretty damn good for sat!! Other sat users are probably jealous at this point I know wildblue users are LOL
  11. I dunno..I think one of those hot tubs with the TV that slides up out of the side and the little refigerator in the side would be PRETTY nice to have
  12. Always good to know these things ca3le....:cheer:
  13. Should be...but we'll see if he is or not when this happens
  14. HAHA! Rambo when he's old...runnin around on his motorized scooter with a mounted 50 cal :haha:
  15. What package you got Nos?
  16. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 12599 Kbps about 12.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1538 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 358 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 44 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/12/02 - 2:37am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-09F1OVESI U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-F2LSVU9R4 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ [!] little slower tonight..no big deal really its pretty constant
  17. The rock comment MIGHT be giving me too much credit
  18. I was travelling down a back road and fell asleep (dumbass here ) and veered off the road after driving about 4 miles while asleep..not sure how that happened..and swiped and bounced off between 6 and 10 trees, hit a concrete culvert (storm drain under the road) and flipped the car head over heels twice in mid air before landing on the roof and sliding about 8 feet. The car was still idling when I was upside down and the radio was still playing. The downside to that was my seatbelt came undone after about the 2nd tree so I got thrown around in that car like a ragdoll..my arm ended up going through the steering wheel and wrenched completely backwards and I *might* have had yet ANOTHER concussion out of the deal . I'll post some pics for it, I have one saved on my computer at home, but I'm still at work
  19. You suck! Guess thats what ya get when you have an Irish heritage and lived in Northern Michigan forever
  20. I don't really get the chills or goosebumps from anything like that.. Takes a lot to get me up and going - I need adrenaline pumping through my veins, love that kind of rush. Haven't heard any kind of music that can do that to me
  21. Good point...as for the roofing thing only done that for a summer in Michigan..after that...no more lol that about killed me because I've got more of an Irish complexion so I burn easy
  22. I'll have to look into that...I'm at work right now so I'm not really allowed to get into a whole lot of sites here, they get pretty pissed about it. I'll check it out when I get home in about an hour and a half and see whats up
  23. lol unless you have bad arthritis in your main arm like I do...tonight when I get home from work I'll post a picture of my last couple of car wrecks...they both screwed me up
  24. I'm thinking about switching my email address everywhere and transitioning to a new one to see if spam fills it up, if so I'm going to find a new one lol because that spam is too much..but i do the notifier
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