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1337 last won the day on July 21 2022

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  1. depends, if you're running a 50-100ft ethernet line from your modem to your pc, you might not see any higher bandwidth, but your connection stability may dramatically improve. Something not a lot of people really opine on is the quality of the shielding and signal integrity of their cables, since they are fairly niche variables for most people. I live in a fairly populated apartment complex where there are 20-30 wifi signals broadcasted at all times around me, that in combination with my cable being a 100 ft run from modem to pc, I had a lot of signal degradation and crosstalk that really hindered the stability of my connection. If I ran a speed test for instance, the line displaying my connection looked like a kids rollercoaster at 6 flags, up and down all over the place, even though the bandwidth was normal. After upgrading you can see the line displaying the connection is exactly how it should be, ramping up smoothly to a perfectly straight line once max bandwidth is reached. example.mp4
  2. Noice.
  3. the real question is, how's dat latency l👀kin
  4. 1337


    Stay strong my brother!
  5. im jelly of that latency tho 🥲also im running a 100 ft line from my modem to my pc, cat 6e cant sustain a stable connection over 100 ft, and I want that test line to be flatter than taylor swifts ass so I spared no expense lol
  6. So my router cant really handle the speeds my network is rated for, when I ran a line from modem > pc, instead of modem > router > pc, my speeds were exceptional, ping was slightly higher (as expected with higher throughput), but my download latency would increase along side the throughput as it ramped up to its max. I attached an example vid of what im talking about. My question is when using the modem>router>pc method, the download latency acts the same way the upload latency did in the vid, miniscule variation if any at all. Anyone able to offer any insight towards what exactly is going on here? As well as if/what I should do anything to fix it? example.mp4
  7. (2x100ft, 2x10ft) to Cat-8 blue shielded from Tinifiber (Hyperscale Data Center Cables) now Spectrum is my bitch 😂
  8. 1337


    yo yo just another pebble under the foot of charter communications tryina wade their swamp ass shitty network smh
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