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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I originally came here just to make fun of the subject title (that web talk drives me crazy, as if nerds weren't bad enough before they came up with that crap) but that is a awesome link. Nice find.
  2. I already PM'd this thread to CA3LE a few days ago with the request to add.
  3. :haha:
  4. Ya thats what I hear, but I want to make sure Bubba's not being too gentle.
  5. Some mysteries will never be solved.
  6. Alright stop all of this drama. No more on this post guys.
  7. There is no need for posts like this. I have yet to see him insult anyone. Maybe hes not real familiar with message boards. You know now everyone spends alot of time on the net. Everyone is new sometime. If you dont like something someone is doing just PM me or another mod and we will deal with it. Everyone messes up and does stupid stuff, you want proof look in resop's sig, he has a nice quote from me that makes no sence. But it did to me when I wrote it.
  8. :haha: Ya im thinking so, or she was thinking about getting that promotion.
  9. I would like to start a service that allows victims families to give me a notice of child molestation or rape and then my service would forward that information to every man/woman in the prison they are going too. I would call it ASSHOLE-B-GONE (gets rid of the scum so you dont have tooooooooo)
  10. :haha: :haha: Its a joke man. You know a play on words. I use that icon alllll the time. I even use it to agree with CA3LE the owner so it means no disrespect. I like to let people know when I agree fully with what they said and thats the easiest way to do it. BTW, if i call you stupid and agree with you at the same time guess what that makes me. I mean it to be in agreement with you and not insultive.
  11. :haha: That would be alot more funny if the whole thing with Katrina didn't go down. I'm still pissed over that. Child molesters and rapists should be violated every day of their life.
  12. :haha: :haha: :haha: I was agreeing with you. No offense man, calm down. I dont attack anyone.
  13. I pray they don't start raping, molesting and looting. Not to mention the whole murdering thing.
  14. And Spaced you have the exact same avatar as Cobra an old mod from here I almost thought you were him. Anyway I do the same thing, let them build up and go there.
  15. Because I can use Firefox for 2 weeks and not get any spyware. I use IE for one day and get 36 hits.
  16. I really liked that show. Made me feel some of those peoples fear. Well done program.
  17. You know whats weird I have had the same problem with my wireless network. If you use a wireless router, especially the Linksys, try resetting your modem and router.The router will have a small button you hold in untill you see all the lights on the router flash.Then change your internal settings in the router to only allow your mac address to connect to the router. If you have a linksys use this number in the web address to enter your routers set up.
  18. Your welcome, and I use BitTornado if you havent tried it give it a shot. I like it.
  19. Raptors I like your sig bro.
  20. Na, just agreeing and that guy with the sign is MY BOY.... YOUR MY BOY BLUE.
  21. WHAT..... 20 bucks is a big ol chineese food meal at the mall, 2 cans of snuff and enough soda to play all night on socom. Good enough for me.
  22. Im not sure either, and to tell you the truth I forgot which ports I even forwarded for PS2. Ill look around for ya.
  23. No prob friend, I like to share funny links most. People need to take life a little less seriously and laugh more. IMO.
  24. Online console games use about 600k down and 100k up for the most part some less, some a little more. I dont have a link backing this up but I remember reading about it some time back.
  25. Disable your firewall in the router and forward the ports Xbox Live uses, I have had to do this with PS2 when me and my wife play Socom 2 on the same router due to this exact issue.
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