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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. LOL stare at it momma. I loved this the first time I saw it.
  2. I think Pit is a great idea for mod along with some others. Its good to see members take initiative on this. However this is up to CA3LE, and us mods keep him updated regularly on good canidates. Nice thought on this post though.
  3. PM sent, no worries man. Alright man just be cool your sig is ok untill CA3LE says its not. If you want to keep it just try to resize it its a lil tall.LOL Im talking about the pot one not the current one.
  4. Dont start a flame post it will not be tolerated. Nobody told you to change it as a matter of fact I posted earlier in this thread that your sig was fine. Unless CA3LE the owner says diffrent use what you want. It would be nice if you could change it to sig size.
  5. Alright, as far as Im concerned this thread is ok as long as we are not talking about trading anything illegal. Lets keep this thread clean, were all using torrent for NON copyrighted material. If this turns into a illegal thread it will be locked so be careful. The mods and CA3LE have talked about this before (the sig issue) and CA3LE's view on this is that this is not a kid's site or a family site. He has stated that as long as something does not offend a large amount of users its ok. So I dont view his sig as a problem. CA3LE has even said nudity is not instant delete so from what I understand as long as its not hardcore or explicit violence or hate speech its ok.
  6. http://thepiratebay.org/ Hands down best.
  7. Nice speeds maniac, welcome to the site man. Hate to break it to ya though there are several here that can beat those speeds. I assure you its not me though. LOL
  8. Welcome to the forums man, hope you like it and tell your friends. The speeds are sick considering what you pay. Probably not gonna get much better without spending more. Nice man.
  9. Yea, XBOX 360 cant do 1080p but PS3 can. I dont know if any game trailers are out for the PS3 version yet though.
  10. This topic has been moved to Archives. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8992.0[/iurl]
  11. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8929.0[/iurl]
  12. I always fix this problem by rebooting in safe mode and deleting then. Thats always worked for me.
  13. Nice ROM DOS, you guys need to chill with the attacking people if someone is posting fake scores who cares. Its not a competition. If you want to flame go elsewhere. We dont have a flame section and for good reason. Its not needed here. Try teamxbox they flame alot there.
  14. Pretty good answer. Thats exactly what Id do.
  15. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-890.0 Try this out, its lil out dated I will update it soon. Wing is right DONT use the default port. You need to change the port in Azureus as well as your router also you need to check your IP using the start menu in windows then the run tab then type cmd hit enter then type ipconfig hit enter and make sure you are forwarding the ports to the right IP in your router.
  16. Those look like some updates for big name computers like Compaq or Dell. Use Your Uninstaller to yank em if your going to do it. That programs the bomb and can allert you to if they are important or not.
  17. I think it may be a coincidence, I have had trouble getting updates for SB for a while now and I use no such program.
  18. Shug7272


  19. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8725.0[/iurl]
  20. We can give them a heads up as to what ip to watch for.
  21. I have baught from tiger direct before and they dont sell junk.
  22. The more you move data around on your HDD the more wear and tear it absorbes. Same thing with erasers. I run a HDD eraser about once a month to kill off any dormant data (we all know recycle bin doesnt actually remove data) that might interfere with new stuff and to kill off viruses that can reload themselves, but again this wears out the HDD faster. I love System Suite 6 and it has a smart drive check that can tell you if your hard drive is near failure.
  23. I have had a celeron and it ran just fine. Intel is way over rated anyway.
  24. Nice resluts and welcome to the site. Hope you tell all your friends as we dont advertise. If you have any questions or need help just holler. <---- Im from texas.
  25. Because online connections play a big role in alot of new games and the more sections of information we have the more hits we get, more hits gets more money.
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