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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I have always liked linksys but have had a bad time with my last two wireless routers from them. I hear good things about d link, maybe some other members can shed some light. Welcome to the site, hope you like it and tell your friends.
  2. The title of this thread made me laugh but the meat of it wasnt as funny. Dangit, I was hopeing it was a "Hey Abdul go spray this stuff on the Americans" *Abdul runs to the americans and sprays can backwards which is carried by the wind into his face and onto other terrorists*
  3. Happy Birthday, have some nice Alzheimer's with a side of dementia and some stress incontinence. Just think when you were old enough to get drunk legally I wasn't alive.
  4. Na, if it gets outta hand it just gets locked.
  5. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10129.0[/iurl]
  6. I did this with my dish back in the day it actually works... Ryan while your reply seems silly at first the more I think about it the more I like it.
  7. Hey welcome to the forums, hope you like it and tell your friends. Nice speed, what is your advertised speed. If you havent done any tweeking try this out. Van's a pretty good ol boy... and hot too. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 I like TCP optimizer too, its pretty good.
  8. 9 out of 10 missed the ebay one dangit.
  9. Oops then I will remove the link, thanks. I have the dang theme I cant remember where I got it.
  10. I am thinking you are getting the speed ratings terminology mixed up. I wish I could sit down for a good spell and type but I am so busy and trying to get work done to go out of town. When you say you dl at 20-25Mbps what are you downloading and what are you downloading with. Web Browser, Limewire, BT? As far as an isp limiting ports usually it is few and far between, they generally only limit certain ports related to file sharing programs, but that doesnt even happen real often.
  11. You can link to the dl to help out bt if you dont mind. Unless its an illegal site.
  12. Thats still an awesome speed, and much faster than your host average. Let me look around a minute I am at work and the boss is comming. Have you tested at any other sites? Our tests are pretty accurate. Welcome to the site, hope you like it and tell your friends.
  13. http://www.xptheme.info/ This one has a much better version in my opinion but the site is down for a while. Hope this helps.
  14. What is your advertised speed? When the DL starts off fast its because the PC is already downloading the file while you are choosing where to place it. So once you choose where to place the file it looks like it going fast due to the fact it has been downloading the file the whole time you where choosing a location and it takes all that data into account.
  15. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9994.0[/iurl]
  16. Ya it wasnt anything big. Nothing others havent tried here.
  17. It means CA3LE got drunk and pushed the wrong button. Give him a minute itll go away.
  18. Hell boys, welcome to my everyday life at work. Thats what I see while I am eating breakfast. DAMN I wish I was joking about that.
  19. Well Im in west Texas I dont think we will gat any anytime soon. I lived in Nome Alaska for a while, that was a beautiful place in the winter.
  20. Id kill a midget with a spoon for some snow here.
  21. Not only does the cat follow my wife in there but the dog does as well. Its a sight to behold... my wife coping a squat and a train of animals watching like 30 year old virgins watching Lord of the Rings. Im glad to report they are smart enough to not do that to me.
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