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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I use Your Uninstaller to stop things from loading I love it. If you dont have software to do it just click the start button then click run then type msconfig and go over to the startup tab and delete the msmsg service. Problem solved.
  2. Thanks a bunch too, I appreciate that.
  3. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9821.0[/iurl]
  4. I wont shop at walmart since they are too good to say Merry Christmas. You dont believe in Christ.. FINE.. Dont ruin it for everyone else. Sorry to say, this is America, and Christmas is our holiday. Screw a Wal Mart.
  5. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9816.0[/iurl]
  6. You go girl.
  7. HEY... Good to see ya buttface. Glade your around.
  8. If this is from Kindergarden Cop let me interject.. "IT IS NOT A TUMOR" Ok I feel better, now Water correct me if Im wrong but are you someones mother on here? If so who?
  9. Well, in highschool I was a big jock. Captain of the football team... benchpressed 400lbs... all that crap. So my mother always called me Shug, ever since I was a baby. Well one day my football buds were waiting on me to go to this party and one of them heard my mother say "be careful Shug." Well they thought it would be sweet of them to call me that. So it stuck. By my junior year nobody knew my real name. To this day everyone except for a few people I work with call me Shug, and most of my coworkers do to. The 72 is my football number since everyone always gets "Shug" as a user name before me.
  10. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9796.0[/iurl]
  11. Ahhh I was never ballsy enough to set up the ol Video Game Console with wireless. Has your bro had any connection issues lately? I thought it was my router but it must be my pc cause I purchased 3 and they all did the same thing. Weird thing is (I live in a apartment for the time being... moving shortly woohoo) I can connect to all of my neighbors routers with no prob its just mine. Anyway now I have no problems.
  12. never seen that emoticon before... Guy like.
  13. Cox 4/512 how about yourself. I was using the EXACT same router as well but it was drainging alot of speed and disconnecting often so I am hardwired now.
  14. Yes sir you do.
  15. OOhhh. Looks like you have the same Moto cable modem as myself.
  16. Oh I thought that word was finally over with... Do we still say "radical" too? Anyway sorry, dont see that word here much. Blegh. Thank god.
  17. :whip2: Down boy.. Down!!!!
  18. Heeyyyy. <--- Bad Fonz impersonation.
  19. Kick him in the ass, maybe some coins will fall out. Oh oh, and if they are chocolate coins dont eat em.... trust me.
  20. Dont feel bad I make people feel this way on a daily basis with my Texas Technology.
  21. Oh yea, well I got a 60 gig built into my laptop, I think its the "Redneck" line from knock off international. 52 HUNDRED blazing rotations. Eat it. In your face.
  22. Yea Van this is total bull spit. Just the other day I saw Snoop Dog and he was driving a Bentley, yea you heard me. Hes so broke he is driving a Bentley for crying out loud. Poor poor feller... WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN.. WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?
  23. Hey dont be so judgmental... I have personally stuck more personal objects in less forgiving spaces. I made the cover of Dumbass Weekly one time... yea it was a great pic of me standing there with my sponge bob drawers around my ankles stuck to a pole in the dead of winter. I WAS THERE FOR TWO AND A HALF WEEKS, ohh sure plenty of people pointed and laughed but did anybody help, na.
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