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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Glad you like it tell your friends. CA3LE built this site with no advertising, a big accomplishment in my eyes so tell urverybody.
  2. I dont think we will solve the debate over global warming here. But hey if God decides he wants it to melt so be it. Im not worried about it as long as my fridge stays cold.
  3. :haha: Thats awesome. AOL GOT SOMETHING RIGHT.
  4. Fear is looking hot, I like some of the classics remade to. Civilization, Pirates. Both fun but not blockbusters.
  5. Seems to me the name calling is the only flaming going on. Dont flame me or any other member here, this site does not tolerate it. PHP simply asked why it was a big deal and I simply said "your my boy blue" which I have said to PHP at least 36 times before. Dont be so touchy man its all fun here bro.
  6. Price size and picture quality wise a good DLP cannot be beat. I have a 65 inch Hitachi Ultravision rear projection. If your getting projection Hitachi ultravisions the way to go man. i have HDTV and it is unbelievable. If you have a choice get dlp... get it now. http://www.avsforum.com/ Try this site out. I help out there and they KNOW what is up with home electronics.
  7. The sad part is everyone who does that thinks they are the first person to figure that out and they all fight tooth and nail saying its NOT a cached test.
  8. :iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: SuckaDuck.
  9. CA3LE owns it, and yea you can just put a link in your sig. Of course unless CA3LE overrules that but he has let people in the past.
  10. Sure you can just put it in your sig. Not advertising on the site. CA3LE built this site with his own two gay woman like hands so its disrespectful to me for someone to come advertise on his site.
  11. I use wordpad... it works man. Oh yea for saving and using mspaint. My bad. It will show up on Word as well.
  12. Yea I already knew that.... Im so smart I looked it up all on my own. http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry.php?id=p0057300
  13. A paradigm. No one wants to disbelieve you infact if you read through our posts this is not the norm. But most people here know when they see something wrong. You know like a blasting DL speed that is off the charts and a upload speed that is barely on the charts.
  14. Just use the print screen button man. Works like a charm. Let me elaborate hit the print screen button or prtsc button then go into wordpad and right click and hit paste this will show you your screenshot. Then save it and there you go.
  15. You need some ativan bra. Calm down, its ok. Gooozfabra. Calm down man. Its all good. If you want a post with alot of replies to play in go to my post about guess this movie I think its 100 pages by now.
  16. Ya I think thats most peoples assumption. Dont guess it really matters. Now lets stop the drama and get back to what we do best here... Nothing.
  17. Not bad man. Id complain if I was paying what you are for that download and was getting toasted on upload by people getting 1/12th your DL speed. But hey man thats me. Have a nice day and welcome to the site.
  18. What is this IE7 you speak of... is it some sort of Firefox update. :?
  19. Just waiting for those upload stats bra..... they must be awesome man.
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