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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Shug7272

    Xbox 360

    Sony is allowing for one of the cores of its cell processor to be defective I know that to be true but the PS3 is designed with that in mind.The PS3 is out muscling the 360 by a long shot, anyone who wants to argue that just needs to do a little research.
  2. Yes some are hard workers some aren't. I work 80 hours a week to support my family and before I went to college I worked 3 (FRICKING THREE) jobs just so my wife wouldn't have to work. We believe one parent should stay home with the children, thats just us most people I know don't believe that anymore. There is work out there if you want it. May not be pretty but they are there. If ones not enough get two, if thats not enough get another one. As you can tell, excuses don't make it far in my household. And hell I enjoy a good debate, argument whatever you want to call it so post on brother.
  3. Ya your right, but I guarantee you the people we see out looting and acting like fools are healthy enough to go. If your to poor get a job. If you cant get a job sell your TV, do something to get outta town for crying out loud. Like I said I know some were unable to leave but cmon. If your cities on the coast AND below sea level and a big hurricane is comming you do what you have to to leave. And people can flame me I don't care but they better do it in PM and not on the board. And as far as criminals everywhere your right. But I dont remember hearing of this crap in the tsunami. I know I didnt hear of them shooting at people there to help them and raping women.
  4. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-890.0 everything you need to know. Oh and the reason you have difficutly connecting to sites and browsing while downloading is that you have not throttled back your upload speed. Only allow them to dl at about 80% of your cap. That will fix that problem, dont leave it on automatic or unlimited just throttle the ul speed down to 80% of cap.
  5. Dumbass people should have left given the DAYS of warning they had. I know theres some kids and old people that cant but most of them could have. Then they start shooting at helicopters there to help them, some of my EMS friends went down and had their boat and supplies stole at gun point, they are raping women shooting people and looting for profit. Thats all I have to say about that. Post edited due to a special request from someone I respect. I still feel deeply about this and my opinion remains unchanged.
  6. Shug7272

    Xbox 360

    First off neither of the two consoles will suck. PS3 will be more powerful no arguing that. XBOX 360 online looks killer. And the 360 will be backwards compatible with any game MS chooses it to be. They will be using emulation.
  7. My family owns and runs a gas station/convienance store and I know at her place gas was wholesale about 1.89 a gallon then taxes were about 40 cents a gallon in Texas she made about 4cents profit a gallon. So your post sounds about right.
  8. http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/nogas.asp
  9. http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/nogas.asp People amuse me with internet rumours.
  10. Thanks man I will as soon as I get a chance. I appreciate it.
  11. Hey man i was going to PM you with this but thought others might get good info from this. I am at work and my remote PC connects to the internet through a server. We have a high speed commercial connection although I am unsure of what it is. I think its advertised as T3, yea right. Anyway with me sitting behind the server is there any way for me to optimize my connection at the remote pc without disturbing the others. I just want more speed outta my office pc. Thanks in advance.
  12. :haha: Broken got bent over bigtime.
  14. Thanks man , but so are you and all the other great mods. Except RTB that guys a bastard. WHERE ARE YOU RTB.
  15. You know maybe this thread will work and take the fun outta cacheing tests. Of course there will still be some who think they are going to "wow" everyone. Nice try though this thread might work.
  16. :haha: I could care less if they have nothing better to do than try to impress strangers with the speed of their internet conection. I know CA3LE has been working on this. Anyway if they wanna lie and it makes em feel good screw em. Everyone here can see right through a cached test (at least all of out mods and regulars, and hey thats what counts), just laugh at em fellers.
  17. Best website ever. And as long as I have any say it will remain drama free. I think CA3LE has accomplished alot for a cross dressing trans sexual nazi eskimo. Without advertising he has not only built a great website with NO POPUPS or any of that garbage and he has kept it drama free and fun.
  18. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7707.0[/iurl]
  19. Hello and welcome to the site. Hope you like it and tell your friends. Try this and if it does not help you I always recommend TCP OPTIMIZER, I get more results from it than cablenut. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013
  20. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7699.0[/iurl]
  21. Why do you need any player other than WM 10 with the kazaa lite codec pack.
  22. Ya I know but I dont want two players up there and blu ray is suppost to be backwards compatable.
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