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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Yea, I think it will be fun but I got tired of Nintendo first party games with MArio Bros 3. The touch screen seems cool but I played the DS at Best Buy today and realised one important fact. You can only watch one screen at a time, so it seems like more of a gimmick to me. I dunno, Movies, MP3, Games (you cant deny that Nintendo has a HUGE lack of 3rd party support, that sucks) I just like the PSP. But hey to each their own. I got pissed today playing Metroid, everytime I looked at the top screen for the map I got F'd up.
  2. I think the simplest answer is to just take off the upgrade, who cares about upload.. well I do but not enough to pay extra for it.
  3. FF 7 sequel....awesome, one of my all time favorites when I was a kid. So is anyone getting a PSP and if so you getting the FF7 sequel for it. I played the Nintendo DS at Best Buy today, much cooler than I thouht, I still think I would like the bigger psp screen better.
  4. Yea dude..I would say that works. Nice upgrade.
  5. Looks to me like you called yourself a bitch, I called you a sexy "bitc". Stop hittin yourself stop hittin yourself.
  6. I would put in the IP Address you get in ipconfig, as for the host name Im not sure that is important, try using the name of your pc.
  7. Yes that is good but if you have Yahoo, hotmail and gmail it is VERY handy.
  8. An error like that will usually allow you to download at a later time, If it gives you a fatal error or tells you to redownload the torrent that is because websites protect their torrents and when other sites steal them and let people download them they will become invalid. Usuall this can be resolved by going to the website in the error message and redownloading the tracker. MXC is on then its off to bed, I will get back to ya tommorrow.
  9. I would agree, maybe call them up and let them know especially if you paid more for this.
  10. Naa, you dont want one, he gave me one a while back and all I get is advertisements for gay porno and penis enlargement. It is all return stuff to CA3LE too...???
  11. Hey...hey...HEEEYYYY, this is way off topic.. get back on topic before I lock this post and BAN your ass.........
  12. Glad to have ya here, and as far as tweeks your not gonna find any better help than here, GO VANBUREN YOU SEXY BITC....Be sure and tell your friends and family about the site, CA3LE relies on word of mouth advertising and this is the best site youll find.
  13. https://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe Try this if you havent already, CA3LE might have some good insight since he works for those communist BAS***DS at Cox.
  14. The firewall is done, if you download bit tornado and set the ports it uses to 50,000start 60,000 end and set it to pick random ports then go into your router config and forward ports 50,000-60,000 you will be all set, be sure in your router config you forward the ports to the pc you are using BT on, check the tutorial I put this in step by step. As far as the router at work, the link here is my example for a linksys wireless G router, the config will be diffrent for diffrent brand names, the number I cited was just an example of my linksys wireless g. Tell me what router you have at work and Ill see what I can do.
  15. No problem, I am in the process of writing several for cell phone apps, games, ringers and what not. Although I know a bunch about it there are many phones and compatibility issues I am trying to work out. This weekend I will get to banging alot of them out providing I dont have to pull alot of overtime. I have some others in the works I need to talk with you about before I get to far along. Im just really busy but I am putting alot into these. I want to get screenshots for them as well to help even further.
  16. Read my tutorial it explains it all, first off DONT USE PORTS 6881-6889, DL BitTornado and set the ports to something high like 50,000-60,000 then forward THOSE ports NOT 6881-6889. If you need more help IM me, also make sure your windows firewall is disabled. Welcome to the forums. heres a link to the turtorial. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=890.msg8017#msg8017 edit :link corrected cholla
  17. DAMN, Im pretty sure you got some STD's in there.
  18. I dont think he is going to get in as much trouble for his "uncapping" as for his sharing of copyrighted files.. CA3LE you give P2P a BAD name, NO SHARING COPYRIGHTED material thats not waht its all about..... wait just a damn minute.. yes it is..
  19. YOU THA MAN.
  20. http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/10/3/3/10-3-3-362.shtml Check this out, I love this program, it keeps track of me and my wifes hotmail, yahoo and Gmail. VERY nice. Completely free too.
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