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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Uh... No I dont, but Socom 2 is the bomb. I used to be top ten, before I retired. Cant wait for 3, hope its for the PS3.
  2. Uhhhhh.......Riiiiiighhhhtt.... Why would it run slow and not IE? I dont know SCREW IT MXC IS ON. Seriously man I dont know? I dont know why it would, the ISP shouldnt have much to do with the browser, Firefox is just a smaller, quicker browser, plus you know safer and no popups or installs.
  3. Thats just mean, YOUR AN ASS. Not really its funny as hell. HEY A NEW MXC IS ON, TONY HAWKS ON THERE. Not as good as the ol japanese stuff though.
  4. You should have stuck with the whole "Im a girl thing" gets you better help. Anywho Im not sure then, like I said if your just wanting to share a few files the link to sendthisfile.com is good if not Im not sure but I bet someone here will come up with something.
  5. What is this Diaa...al...Up...you speak of? Never heard of it.
  6. I didnt realize you were Snacky, I posted on your site. The sig gallery is cool and I like the how to make a sig. BTW the sig you made for me is the best in the gallery.
  7. Windows XP is built to do just this you have to turn on the function and allow your friend to access them, its pretty simple. If your just looking to share a file or two there is a free website that lets you send any size file quickly by email. Oh and welcome, the girl names always get the warmest welcome round here so look out. http://www.sendthisfile.com/info.cfm heres the link, very simple, any size file is ok and its completely free. http://compnetworking.about.com/cs/winxpnetworking/ht/winxpsfs.htm Try this if you are just looking to share your comp and files with your friend.
  8. That, or try restoring windows to an earlier point, maybe you installed something that messed up your browser, possibly run adaware and spybot, and an antivirus.
  9. BitTornado has a automatic upload setting which works the best, but you are right I set mine to 85 when not on auto.Router or Firewall, bittornado is the best, no firewall/router, Sharezaa is VERY good.
  10. Black Ice or none.. IMO, I have the newest version if you need.
  12. I am BT the new movie SAW, Ice Age, and Sponge Bob all my DL's are 100 or above and my upload is hovering around 40-60.
  13. I DL at 200k consistantly, if you read the tutorial it also states NOT TO USE THE DEFAULT PORTS, 6881-6889, many isp's are limiting this. I know from experiance that my DL NEVER goes above 80 with default ports but when I move the ports it shoots up. And your DL is directly related to your upload. This doesnt mean you will DL at what you UL it means if you limit your upload or dont upload your DL will stink, if you give others lots of upload bandwith their client will in turn give you the same, the tracker keeps track of your UL/DL ratio and some trackers wont give you any bandwith unless you have a certain ratio. If you are uploading fast and downloading slow you just have it configured wrong and it can be fixed. If you are having problems just pm me Ill help you fix it. I have already helped several people fix theirs through pm and email since the tutorial was posted. I also covered port forwarding in the tutorial as well.
  14. I say very accurate, better than any others by far. Whoever is putting the worst option is just being a dick, if this site isnt to par none are.
  15. Cool man I think im gonna try those games, Ill have to find em first, I need to get a mouse for my laptop.
  16. Had to start a new thread that dang age thread has gotten outta hand. What game is your sig from, looks kinda like a redneck rampage, looks kick ass.
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