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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Most people with DS are overweight, I dont know why exactly (Im not a doctor, If I were Id have a better pc) but I do know the disease process and it is not pretty. They are generally really great people with big hearts, it does include mental retardation and this poor kid is probably just overfed by his dumbass parents. You can tell DS by the distinct bone structure of the face. Google DS and look at some pics youll see what I mean. Great Kids.
  2. Wanna see a fat guy who knows how to laugh at himself? I guarantee you he aint happy though..... Still a freaking hillarious pic.
  3. Hence my disclaimer.
  4. Whos to say? I am to say. I work in the medical field, although I may act like a complete dumbass I am actually college educated and work with obese people amongst others. Some obese people may say they are happy but they are not. It is a coping mechanism. Being THAT overweight not only makes them the subject of ridicule but also SERIOUS medical problems and pain EVERYDAY of their lives (knees, ankles, etc.) Im sure someone is thinking "well if they didnt eat so much they wouldnt be fat" Very true, but still shouldnt be ridiculed ESPECIALY when it is a kid with Downs Syndrome that probably is not even allowed to choose what he eats and doesnt eat. I can laugh at fat people, hell I used to be one before I lost alot of weight, and alot of fat people are fat because they are lazy and overeat so to me if you choose to be fat and not change it than laugh at it. But once the subject is a mentally retarted boy, internet or not, that just shows me a bad person.
  5. http://www.phazeddl.com/dl.php?id=71140 I wouldnt go here unless you have Firefox or know what you are doing.
  6. Ok, fat people are funny to a point, but this poor kid obviously has Downs Syndrome and this is not even close to funny....not to mention he is so overwieght he will probably die before he is 30, thats something I find funny myself... And no one that fat is happy with their self. That is usually the reason for the weight problem. Even if it is not the reason he is not happy. This is fucked up in more way than one, I didnt expect it from people here.
  7. Yes, I know what was suppost to have been released, but a total of 3 diffrent games is all that is available in Midessa area. Its sad. I just called EB Games and they said that they have 5 games, so that means only one store out of 7 in town have more than 2 of the launch games and they only have 5. All stores I called an hour ago said they had tons of DS left over. I dunno whats going on but it dont look peachy.
  8. Scroll up about a page. I didnt want to add a new post earlier.
  9. Thanks I was 3 seconds ahead of ya.
  10. Ok I tried that and nothing happened thats why I asked.
  11. Ok what is the best (easiest) way to save a shot of your comp screen?
  12. I hope not, although I wish they would just go Software only. I play my PS2 the most due mainly to the best games IMO and the controller. So the Nintendo games on PS2 would be awesome, or PS3 whatever.
  13. So I go early to pick one up thinking it is selling out and I go to 3 stores, only best buy has sold ANY DS and they have sold 4. WTF. So the reason I go to 3 stores is Circuit City has only Mario to buy for DS, I got to Toys R Us and they only have spider man and some racing game, same at Best Buy. I said Fudge it and left, Nintendo better get it together, launching with 2 games is BS. I hope other cities fared better as far as games go.
  14. HMMMmmmm... I see.... Well.... Grumphhh... *runs away*
  15. Since when are you a Pimp??? I gotta quit comming here so much, the less you post the faster you get promoted........
  16. Yes... Good...good....
  17. Liar.
  18. So what your saying is...... You met him at a "Rest Stop".....
  19. I concure.
  20. You should have taken the Blue Pill and none of this would be a problem, thanks to you and your rouge IP mankind is doomed to slavery, thanks ALOT.I dont know what the hell any of this means but its entertaining.... If your still reading this you just wasted 45 seconds of your life........Seriously quit reading this post...... NOW
  21. Ok I gotta ask, who is Sin0cide and how did he become mod.... is this one of the guys CA3LE met at the "Rest Stop"
  22. I try to pick up the conversation alot, but cant get any of the other rat bastards here to join in.... YOU ALL SUCK ALL OF YOU... I HATE YOU... IM NEVER COMMING BACK.
  23. I do ALL THE DAMN TIME... and I get made fun of. Dont listen to him, others topics are NOT welcome... IM NEVER COMMING BACK. ASSSSSSSSSSSS
  24. Faster for me. Firefox... Wooo Hoooo.
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