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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. ITS MEATWAD DAMMMNITTTTTTT .......................
  2. Hey, its your dealio so anytime is fine, I appreciate it.
  3. Who the heck is Spongebob? I know the cartoon character but I mean here.
  4. Man the ones you have made are great, the size of yours is fine all the other stuff you choose. You have good pics too so just pick me one out and throw some funnyness under it. Whatever you make Ill be happy with and greatfull. If I pick it will probably come out looking like a butthole so Im leaving it up to you. Thanks again man.
  5. Hey if you got the time I would love to have a nice sig with Peter in it.
  6. I have to disagree, when I ran the tweeker I got about the same results. Maybe a little more but it stayed consistant and if I removed the tweek it went back down.
  7. I dont think youll get much over what you pay for, the only connections I have seen over what they are rated is Cox.
  8. Very nice but you should run the tweeker you will get more speed and sacrafice nothing. Welcome.
  9. Both of you need help. Thats official. <--- you like that dont you.
  10. Yup, will be nice.
  11. Well welcome to the forum. Unfortunantly for you, although I post here alot, I am basically a dumbass. So if I could answer your question I would. Lucky for you though there are alot of smart people here that I am learning from. I just come here for the company in between sessions of work, eating, golf, dogs, and begging for sex. <----Is it just me or does this guy look like he bent over in the shower of a Super Max Prison.
  12. Where the hell do people find time to worry about and make this stuff. I need more time dammit. I like the stewie refrence though. "Pardon me shopkeep"
  14. What is this "it" you speak of? I have a me, him, her, them, they, and sometimes we...im not sure about it though. Seriously what the hell is it.
  15. I thought this site would appreciate it.
  16. http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~shane/stasj/pics/humor/div/323.html Oh yeah, I said it... TROLL guy you paying attention?
  17. Hey any increase in speed is reason to celebrate in my book.Congrats... I celebrated for 20 minutes earlier because I found a tuna sandwich in my bed.
  18. Shug7272


    Sorry swimmer, it was either that or draw a picture and I suck at drawing.... Since when is Pu**ywillow a bad word.
  19. They are good, not great but definantly good. CABLE GUY has a kick ass tweeker on here and I am searching for it now because i reinstalled Windows. EDIT I just found the program its called TCP Optimizer, its on the home page half way down get it youll like it,
  20. Shug7272


  21. Shug7272


    If you dont know Im not telling.
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