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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Ok, Im a professional on this, and what I would do is reset all the transducing helociangs on the start up then submerge the entire unit in ethel alcahol, maybe a little gasoline. Barbaque so good.... make you want to SLAP yo momma.
  2. They said it was set on 1mb dl by design, not an accident apparently.
  3. Cool deal, thanks for the info, I will read the link you posted. As for now I need a breakfast burrito and sex, just not sure what order to go in
  4. Ok so after searching I figured out for my fat self what ad sense is, can you kinda explain how it works (if thats allowed) do people have to click or do you get paid for people just hitting the site? If they have to click I blow alot of time I could click alot to help make you rich (richer?) what ever Im just curious about this stuff. No offense intended.
  5. Just wondering (unless this is one of those personal things that arent discussed) how much revenue can a site like this make through the ads. Ive always wondered that. Im sure it costs a buttload to keep the site up ( I cant even imagine). So how does all that ads and revenue work?
  6. I just noticed your sig.... thats friggin great man, sad though that no one will get it. AWESOME. by the way you misspelled DAMN dip stick.
  7. BIGTEX is my friend that has COX and is DL at 900kbs he finally talked to someone with sence and they said his cap is at 1mb dl. Why is that CABLE GUY I thought all cox set it at 4 down and 5 if you pay extra whats the deal big boss man.
  8. This is the most intelligent post I have started in a while.
  9. You guys gotta start making posts about boobies and numbers like 123 so I can join in the talk.
  10. I like that idea very very much.
  11. I hope you have seasons one and two as well. Great show. ITS ON RIGHT NOW, CARTOON NETWORK...WEEEEE.
  12. The Cable guy doesnt like you.
  13. Nope, never balieved a Conspiracy theory in my life, and dodnt this one, but tell me what is on the plane? Check this out too, the photos the petagon released of the plane hitting the pentagon, the first photo shows the plane with a vapor trail behind it... wait a minute it shows a vapor trail but no plane, wheres the plane. Just some weird stuff. Im just lookng for a good answer to these pics and no one seems to have one. http://home.earthlink.net/~flight77/flight77/video.html Plus the pentalawn webpage is hilarious, check it out. http://home.earthlink.net/~flight77/pentalawn.html its got some good points and some funny stuff, like the guy looking at the pentagon on the cell phone saying " honey you have got to see this lawn"
  14. For your sake I hope he doesnt like the smell of crotch.
  15. yea but you can download the official video from CNN (I did) and many other news orgs and the thing is still there. No photoshop, look at the site longer, they have direct links to CNN video from their server, you can see the lump under the plane and a small explosion right before impact with the building. The same small explosion can be seen right before the first plane hit the trade center in the documentary video. Weird stuff. You can blow up any pic from official footage and see this thing, from all camera angles that recorded it.
  16. What the hell did you just call me? I think we are gonna have to fight after that.... seriously I have no idea what you said. I like modems and internet myself.
  17. Theres a new look, where I missed it. Although I did notice the bulldog is gone. I think I liked him better.
  18. Swimmer you posted us some LIES... Go upstairs and spank yourself... the bad kind not the good.
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