Ok I use mediacom for internet. The speed is 8 megs down and not sure what the upload is. I use opera for a browser.
Now If I use cablenut I can get my downloads from 7 to about 7.5 and does seem to help. My surfing does seem faster. But when downloading torrents with cablenut settings aplied, My surfing gets so super slow. Web pages take forever to load. I use utorrent and I have my up capped at 256.
Now If I remove my cablenut settings and go back to xp pro defaults, I can download torrents and my surfing is fine Again my torrent is capped at 256. I loose some of my download speeds while testing at this site, How much, anywhere from a half meg to a full meg.
I tested with the same torrent, Just lacks any common sense. Cablenut speeds me up but if I download torrent it slows me down bigtime. Use xp pro defaults speeds drop a bit but can download torrent and no affect on my surfing. Just makes no sense. Any ideas??