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Everything posted by tamie77

  1. hi guys! long time no chat lolz :haha: well id like to ask if there are new methods to fast the net of smart ive been busy this past few months (napag iwanan na ata ako?)
  2. oh well i have now Hide IP Platinum hope works fine to my pc
  3. regarding that the old version of smart bro is up to 500 only the new installed smart bro have up to 7000 you cant actually change taht to 7000 cause theres a version of software
  4. so what is the best thing to do? theres a lots of comment and suggestion but there are no answer what do you mean trojanvirus? what can i do to have my own IP? coolbuster2007 can you share w/ us your software for anonymous surfing and playing
  5. yah my ISP is smart, what can you do regarding what i want
  6. kinda but not sure and incase of emergency i can change my ip
  7. Hmmmmm bad boy well i just have to w8 pls help me ok guys
  8. so whats your advise any software? or method?
  9. Hi guys its benn a while since i visit the site too busy in school well back to the topic is it possible to change an IP address or there are software for it? for example u have and it will become like or something diff. from your original IP or like this your IP address is and when i visit any site or play any online game my IP will become or something deff. Hmmmmmmm im just asking Bro And for those who PM me sorry if i cant replied you read the instruction here you dont have to PM
  10. ei guys its been while scince i last visit the site, so waaazzz up! all you seems to be hapy to ur connection huh! i have a bad news for the smart-bro subscribers, i had experience a slow connection till now coz of the lightning and rain last week i call the hotline which is *1888 i ask them to check my connection to see whats the problem coz i had experience a slow connection the agent asks me to measure my bandwith as a proof of a slow connection she tell me to go to 2wire.net and click the speed meter but bcoz of the slow connection i cant get the result so she give another bandwidth testing site and i was so shooooooooooockeD she said to me to visit tetmy.net! meaning the smart company knows this site already be careful for posting tweaks and other method they may read it and change the configuration of the canopy so that we can no longer access it if you guys read this pls pass it to another smart-bro subscriber
  11. wahahaha me too men! almost all of us have a great sped now but continue searchng for better we dont have "satisfy thing"
  12. yah yah yah coolbuster is right! if you no bliv what we post hir its up to u if uld o it or not, my advice is read all the thread dont be lazy and spoonfeed
  13. wow! how silly u are! pa-humble effect lol
  14. all post are accurate ok, its up to you to do it ther are many post their that you can use
  15. wow we all got 300+ kbps huh! thnx to this forum anybody not satisfy to their speed?
  16. wow we are growing huh! lots of people joining the forum
  17. dont worry they cant access that unless u have the same base station
  18. congratulations snip07! now ur enjoyng ur smart-bro-ken 7x faster(slower) than dial up! :haha:
  19. coolbuster is the idol of the smart tweaker hehehhehe gud for u they ant access it as long as u dont have the same base station
  20. have pity of snip07 :lol: this is the 1st time he accessed his canopy :haha:
  21. hmmmm maybe not bcoz smart can block our net and for that we have a unique I.D from them and by that we can be caught ok bro, by the way nice speed ther! hehehe im enrolled at 600+ ei guys wanna join! :haha: :haha:
  22. snip07 dont post ur IP and info. try 10.xx.xx.xx as an example of an IP dont use ur's for safety measures by the way wer u from? iwe have the same gateway too like frostbound fr0stbound yup he just showd it but the wrong thing ther is he put his own ip
  23. huh? wer did u get that? cant understand it what is that for? huh? wer did u get that? dont understand that waht is it for?? welcome bro! hop ur hapy now! :haha:
  24. i will make all of you as a bussiness partners hehehehe Tweaker's! tha amazing wireless Broadband! 7x Faster than dial up up to 500Kbps to 700Kbps! if ur lucky and not rainy u will get 3.5Mb pray for that lol! :haha: :haha: :haha:
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