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Everything posted by becman

  1. OT I miss the scene in Cebu. I used to go there a lot back in the mid 90's. My favorite hotel was Cebu Plaza (on top of the hill). At the basement was a bar called "Bai" and good bands play there. ...Not too mention the "girls-night-out" on Wednesdays(?). We rated the girls coming in and the lowest we could get was 8! (1-10; 10 being awesome). Aaaah, the girls in Cebu..... *mind wanders off to neverland*
  2. Hey CB refresh your screen and check out under my sig....
  3. @ CB OT you should've hired an expert instead. ........................................... :buck2: mine would take. .................................. :buck2: :buck2: :buck2: (x9) JK :haha:
  4. maybe it's the size... i dunno... but decreasing the brightness doesn't solve it. 'still too bright (for me). ...so i wear shades : but seriously... this thread's getting a bit long. .....problem solved.
  5. no wonder... you have service all to yourself.
  6. if they could pay monthly dues of more than Php30K (i've seen it), perhaps they don't consider that much details/options on consumption. ....lucky bastards. CRTs, LCDs... whatever works for all i care... but you may want to check out the prices of flat monitors on stores right now.... ain't bad.
  7. just got back from the store, no problem whatsoever. i just have to rely on BIOS rather than softwares in monitoring pc health (so now i know ). anyway, thanks again for the inputs. cool... so you're a pilot nurse? and yeah, it's better to see it from afar ...'til you get to the beaches. his job requires it. i forgot to mention how thick his glasses are. JK i do my net surfing on the crt (less eye strain). LCDs tend to be too bright. ....just me.
  8. oh... i'll still have it checked though (or replaced). 'just doesn't feel right. thanks. you should see my friend's dual 22" set-up... well... you'll be even more surprised.
  9. I had my motherboard replaced last week and installed PCwiz yesterday and just saw the reading earlier today. i just took a pic of my BIOS and shows this (so far, no boiling point... i think). thanks.
  10. yeah, i'm quite aware of that.. although i can't feel/ smell/ see anything frying (had it running for 30mins already - since it's covered on warranty in case it fires up). i checked it again and it still shows the same result. the other parts stepped up a bit. 'cept for the mainboard... still 128C. will have it check. thanks
  11. ok, thanks. so, should i replace my mobo? it's still under warranty. or perhaps do a step to repair it? if so, how? or is it something i should ignore & go on with my life? i really don't have a clue... sorry.
  12. just like the title says... i did a re-check 3x with 15mins interval to cool it off. and upon boot up, i immediately ran PCwiz08 but it always show 128C. all 3 fans 100% working (rear blows, side and front sucks)... my other AMD PC's mainboard doesn't show this kind of reading. i really don't understand much about the info shown by PC Wiz08 but i know my mainboard shouldn't be as hot as it is. ..or is it normal? any suggestions/comments? thanks in advance. pic 1&2 athlon x2 4400+ / 8800GT (*128C!) pic 3&4 athlon x2 4200+ / 7300GT
  13. @CB it'd be better to replace the banner as well.
  14. how's this? signing out. enjoy.
  15. OT :haha: i'm still installing softwares to the other pc. after that, this one. well... ok. gimme a few mins.
  16. well, as long as we're being "polite", i think we're not doing any major pain in the thread. yeah, i see your point.. and somehow it's related coz i replied to a post about my speed and it just somehow grew. but that kind of talk is meant for PM. sorry bro. CB is on plan 999. good luck falling asleep. peace
  17. well, if i'm lucky, i won't have to return my 19" flatscreen. i hope my boss is not that mad when he comes in april. but i have my spare 17" crt if he is. tv card (tuner w/ coax and RCAs)? i saw some at 3K & below. but why would you want to play on your monitor? is it simple enough with just the tv?
  18. i dunno what you mean by TV card (those are the ones with tv tuners, right? ) i think it means it's available for hi-def monitors or home theater set-up. but this card is a li'l bit old. 8 series are more common these days. the mobo has an onboard 5.1ch (realtek) BTW.
  19. i was short on cash so i bought the 7300GT (i had one before w/ my **fried mobo also, i saw good reviews.. 'cept for the temp but mine ave 50C - others i saw 70C-100C! it says it'll freeze at 120+Celsius) but i was really aiming for a 8500 or 8600GT. but all's well. **i had to return the "fried" unit to my boss but now i have it all to myself. ...aside from my notebook. it's easier to use a desktop when you're in graphics. the software's called pc wizard 2008. i saw it somewhere in the forum and DL'd it. it's free. http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Info/PC-Wizard-Release.shtml
  20. check you guys out later. i still have to install A LOT of my softwares (3DsMAX, macro flash... ) ... 'got to work tomorrow. sheesh.
  21. @lies maybe it's more of the cleanliness of a new system (i got the basic essentials: mobo, gpu, processor... for under Php12K! - brand new!). my old one's config was quite everywhere. and i decided to minimize tweaks. haven't got any with the internet connection............ yet....... that is, if somebody we know would release the much anticipated.... you know.
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