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Everything posted by becman

  1. I knew it.. my sis almost got that SB Plug it for her notebook. 'Good thing I stopped her. (no offense) i wonder... will any of the tweaks here have the same effect on SB/antenna set-up?... guys? Unfortunately, FDC is still on a test period and won't be out soon according to CB. Edit: why did it took a long time to post my post? (15 secs?)
  2. same here... @9:52
  3. OT: yeah, i know what you mean but it's just hard to be sooo righteous nowadays (mp3s, dvds, softwares...). also, i've been "around" and MOST of us are surely not making good reps... sad but true. FTR : 'proud to be pinoy <don't get me wrong>
  4. which is somehow normal for us pinoys(filipinos).
  5. 'still serious about the 2 months testing period? looks stable enough for me... JK
  6. you sure? no clone?
  7. What the...! I see two CBs!!!
  8. good for you... me, my phones (globe/smart) are hand me downs (i'm still on a vga cam phone ) i prefer separates (PSP for my media, a digicam, and a china-made mp3 for snatchers )
  9. what?... it came from a bunch of softwares w/c my brother from the US gave me last Xmas. i just ordered ATI Radeon 9250 and the rest were freebies
  10. yep, IDM (Internet Download Manager).
  11. yeah thanks. ummm... how do i enable "resume"? yes, some of my dialog boxes get scattered too. like my spybot > i can't view the allow button. and why the heck is my pause disabled?
  12. thanks EF. fileden is fine - 1GB! > free account!
  13. yeah, it start out at 30, then 80, then 120kB/s. i only posted the hi points (it got stuck there w/c made me take snapshots... waited for a while if ever it goes down..80, 50 and up again for minutes. i thought IDMs were suppose to be that way since it's clustered? that one slot is consistent, i can't take snaps of the others w/c keeps on disconnecting. (no pause in between coz i use my other pc for work and i leave it and come back often to check) beginning (same file) end (same file) question.. how come your IDM snapshot isn't aligned? peace
  14. i've been using yousendit.com to transfer (huge) files to my boss in germany. just wanna know if you guys have some more suggestions aside from yousendit? those with large storage (300MB up), fast uploads, user friendly and above all - free? thanks in advance.
  15. @ karlo were you able to find new/different indexes (AP evalution) when you updated your canopy or just same indexes you had before? was it also a new 7Mbps aggregate or still 1Mbps (screenies if you may?)? coz if it does change i may get an update myself. thanks
  16. well.. ok...it aint that consistent (depends on how you define it) but c'mon... just check out misc tools>score database>username (sven/CB) or their comp IDs so far so good. @megabytez you're living up to your name...
  17. @sven man, your scores are also already getting to be quite consistent . (although i don't know why you still have mirror tests considering you can already get pass the 10,000Kbps mark, or even just past 1,000kbps is far enough) can you kindly give us a sreenshot of your canopy settings/AP evaluation? we know (and respect) CB's on going testing period and may take a while to confirm but your speed is fascinating for somebody not doing as much. you rock!
  18. Ok thanks. @jkilla nice speed but how come you have multiple comp IDs? http://www.testmy.net/tools/database/db_search.php?type=user&q=jkilla
  19. According to sven, he upgraded/updated his and found a new index with a high RSSI. I also want to know if it's possible. Anyone? @8:45am
  20. mine sometimes say 189.34 'stead of smartbro.net (oct 2007 - ) currently...
  21. wait, don't just yet (i think). i got disconnected last week and the only thing working was quickfix. i know - not helpful.. but it showed an error 5b. i ran diagnostic tests from QFix and it showed i have a problem in backhaul (whatever it means) and the error code appeared. i called up CSR and told me 5b is my basestation. somehow they were right. i did want to uninstall it b4 but i thought it might come in handy...
  22. ok, coz i tried EF's upgrade before but somehow hesitated coz i got confused. i hope it's not that complex. that is, if you release it.
  23. @10:14am does it involve an upgraded canopy software like sven's?
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