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Everything posted by becman

  1. yeah... probably so. ok... here it goes again... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  2. oh...and yeah... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (I posted this in another thread - can that be erased?)
  3. oh.. and yeah.. Happy New year!!!!
  4. First of all thanks for the response. I don't think my boss is capable of doing such coz I've known him for almost 10 years (I worked for him before in '95; resigned in '99; called back in @ 2001). But still.... hmmm(???). I haven't heard from him yet since then (probably he's off somewhere...again) and still no money. Wiring the money through my account was the method before and maybe he wanted to go "techie" or something and thought of mb (I really can't think of a reason). I've also read in some polls somewhere that people in Europe practice this thing and doesn't get much problems with it. Since my country is not listed, maybe that will be enough reason to tell him it won't work (at least there's a solid reason). I still have 3 days to convince him. Again, thanks.
  5. I would just like to ask you guys who are well practiced in ecommerce. My country (Philippines) is not yet that popular for such practice. Yes, in some areas here they do simple online purchases and stuff (anything with "e" at the beginning) but money transfer is commonly done through western union (well, at least from my experience). My boss (a German) suddenly had this idea of sending my monthly salary (in euros) through moneybookers.com. I've done the whole procedure and got my account number, problem is, my bank isn't familiar with it (although they say it can be done - w/c then confuses me more) and my boss is really pushing me with it. I already told him my bank does not offer such method but the truth is, I just don't have any idea how the whole thing works. He said he'll do the transaction next week... or rather next year.. coz I already gave him my moneybookers account number. Is it really that safe and easy? Pardon my ignorance.
  6. @less than 14 hours before Merry Christmas!
  7. just like to share... (it was quite fast ) i downlaoded a vid from my cuz in the US and the DL speeds gave me quite a shock (@3pm mla time) i have snapshots of the whole DL progress and just decided to show start and finish. lowest was 72kB/s. it took less than 7mins.
  8. Whoo.. I hope that's the end of it... I respect these two guys. @FB & sexpert (sings the C0ke commercial) "You give a little love and it all comes back to you.. la-la-la-lalalala..."
  9. @9+ am no burst
  10. From what I observed from SmartBro posts, doesn't matter how near you are. 'Matters is if you have a good AP or not. If the stats of your AP are poor (Noise, RSSI, User Count,etc..), then it may be the case. Plus, expect flactuations often coz SB is wireless. You may somehow get stable during daytime or dawn. Peak time - forget it. 100+ is quite normal with the exceptions for those who really have good APs (tweaked or not).
  11. @ sexpert Woah, down boy... Frost is a guy. I read/saw it somewhere. But it made me wonder, too. @FB Thanks. Bursting is fun though.
  12. Honestly, your speed is already acceptable. Some of the guys here, me included, somehow just like to flash the badge for... ummm. errr.... just because(?) - 'nothing wrong with it (for me, my highest achieved - but sad to say it's only a burst, I never can sustain it). The real deal can be seen in the ScoreDatabase which of course evryone knows.... right?.... right? You could try: 1. THE Tweaks: The 20 steps - (It helps but not dramatically), Internet Optimizers, Reg cleaners (helps increase PC as well as connection speed), Canopy access (jump from 1 AP to another <if applicable> for better signal), Proxies (somewhat reliable but not to all) 2. Move to a region not too congested with SB users. But sometimes the reverse happens - poor APs. jk 3. Acquire Satellite or Cable DSL. 1000+ Kbps and up guaranteed... well, at least that's what they say. jk Skip the SmartBro crew for help - they'll just give you nightmares. Sorry if I don't have the links, I easily get lost in the forum. Just ignore me if you already know what I've just said. Peace.
  13. No, it's Ok. I really don't know if there's a difference. The 2 test I posted are similar but the lower test size (579) was done 4x before I got similar results. Now I know. thanks @ HnH.
  14. Does it really matter what test size it is? (It may sound confrontational, but I really don't know.)
  15. just a comparison... (no proxies) i think #4 over did it. 1 - 3 are more realistic... i think.
  16. Ok... but I'm currently downloading vidz (Thomas...) from youtube for my son. and got this....
  17. errr... which is which? well... I'm happy.
  18. Thanks mommaT Maybe they were just all exhausted from the heavy traffic (Metro Manila) last night hence the 100+KB/s DL. OT: I think we're the only subdivision in the entire Phil with traffic lights on the main roads. I can't even drive past 3Km b'coz of the darn traffic last night:
  19. hey, c'mon now, you know i can't do that to our mommaT... your opinions/comments are always welcome
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