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Everything posted by becman

  1. OT @kerby & lies ahem... a fellow guitarist I am. No John Petrucci though but i have my own licks... main influences are: VH, hendrix, BECK, billy duffy, dimebag, tom morello, paul gilbert, gary moore, tony mcalpine, greg howe, slash, vai, satch... yes, they're ancient but well respected. check this out: (been playin' since '93 - dredd days...) (actually earlier coz i've been around since late 80's - OK i'm OLD but if it weren't for us, you guys will still probably listen to boybands) *look at the bottom of that page... me on guitz http://www.testmy.net/t-16947.360 this was in '02 - my very last gig (fronting slapshock - i'm NOT a fan of them but it was the sched that time)
  2. uhm... it's embarrassing (not an adult content, mind you) but when it finished, i had to trash it. it was suppose to be a movie format but it couldn't open so i had to delete it. hours wasted for nothing. but good speed though, huh?
  3. yup. now all you need is the USB for the HD. let me know if you got one and where you found it. where do you live by the way? (me, para
  4. yep, it does that sometimes. here's mine (i posted this before but it wasn't included when testmy got transfered to a new server... just like to share) http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=00001df4.swf
  5. And you also need a power supply. There are lots of these in stores. Just ask the sales rep for a power supply for your external hard drive.
  6. It's simply called "IDE-USB".
  7. Something? Maybe someone. you'll probably need this (for the police) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2987 JK
  8. umm, that's the problem.. i dunno where it came from. my cuz just gave that to me. maybe you could search for it in PC shops or something. @derek you mean they're actually "babes"?
  9. those are nice CB. (and quite expensive) @lies here's what it means:
  10. hey, you're back. how's your speed? do you miss smartbro (hehehe)? yeah, there are SATA enclosures here also but i was suggesting this USB thing wherein you'll just plug it (IDE) together w/ the power supply instead of the whole enclosure. But i'm not sure if it's still available on stores.
  11. @ CB thanks. i forgot... that USB is IDE, i dunno if there's a SATA version for it (i dunno also if it's still available elsewhere... the exHD *cover only w/o HD* cost around 2K and i think this USB is just around 300+Php).
  12. Here's another option (cheaper): I have three (3) HDs also. The 3rd is External and i use this USB thingy for it. Although i have 500W of PS, i opted for another CDdrive for CD to CD copying and got this USB from my cuz who works before at PC Express. Unfortunately, i dunno where he got it but this USB cost cheaper than that of a regular exHD.
  13. Huh? No. I wish... My average is still 300-400Kbps. It only happened just once. I don't have any tweaks since mid January.
  14. @ kerby dude, so far, you have the nicest set of APs i've ever seen ('cept for index 2). i think you don't need any tweaks at all. have you tried all colorcodes? mine, the best is: jitter1, RSSI:850+, usercount:60+ average. peace
  15. cool. thanks
  16. 'just curious... what does ipconfig/flushdns exactly do? can i do it often or just once? i mean, does it clear out something?
  17. oh i get it... but it doesn't have any resize options to it. ...or do i need bigger glasses. thanks again
  18. your UL seems to be fine, maybe something hogging your DL (firewall..AV..ASW?) @CB thanks. 'should've seen this earlier. (OT: this is what i mean.. how do you do yours?)
  19. couldn't agree more. @mudmanc4 coolbuster is currently on a test period with his new tweak (his speed's insane! in a positive way that is). he gives updates regarding his formula on his blog so as not to get in any conflicts with forum rules.
  20. @ nonski dude, no need to be rude. you should've tested a bit more until it became more stable. it's what they call burst/cached result (like my sig) but i do not claim it's MY speed or anything. although it feels good to see a high one every now and then. <snip censored link> net often gives high results (like this) but i can't even get pass 100kB/s with an actual DL. the term Expert here is actually determined/achieve by the number of posts by members (in other forums, you can easily become a MOD with just 1000 posts).. but some guys here actually are... in their own humble way. peace. edit: censored links are censored for a reason...do not try to code them to post...this is a bannable offense...i missed this one before...
  21. mine, does around 30 - 45kB/s (on a good # of seeders)... never could reach 50kB/s. i can only tolerate MBs (hours) but Gigs (a day or more)....forget it a vidcap of this screenie: http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=123yo1.swf
  22. Me (@ a friend's beach resort) My Son (first trainer wheels) My band (i've played for 19 years... i decided to bury my ax 6 years ago) (oh... i play lead guitar)
  23. Whoa... I think I owe an apology to a friend. We had an argument with that matter before. @ derek You're leaving right? 'Hope you'll still drop by TMN once in a while. I find your inputs here very helpful.
  24. @EF Thanks I'd like to rephrase my above question.. Will the tweaks be effective with SB plug-it? edit: this time, about 40-50secs (elapse time for posting)
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