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Everything posted by cocomo

  1. @aneljr009 have XP3 already installed in mine since 2004. The difference is the themes. It is the combination of XP and Vista. But, GG client don't work. If you know how to tweak this, help me. >>>> was it a joke?!?! well, for your GG client that don't work with XP3 ask AMIT!!! :2funny: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/lifecycle/servicepacks.mspx >>>> there are probably leak copies of XP3 from beta testers but not worth it!!!
  2. @smartbroken_user I can say what I want to say and you can't dictate me! >>>>do you ever wonder what a M O D E R A T O R is ?!?! >>>>is it your 1st time joining a moderated forum ?!?! just askin' :!: (a verbal diarrhea is expected) PEACE
  3. coolbuster just curious... what province are you from? Silicon Valley?!?! :haha: oooopppsss [nerdly] joke!!!
  4. :haha: verbal diarrhea
  5. :laugh: true!!!! sometimes even common sense is enough minus all those security blahblahblah!!!!
  6. what?!?! K9 web?!?! never heard of it! and i am not operating a computer shop! was the above post for me or to somebody else? arf arf
  7. a friend of mine has a smartbro which he shared it two other computers>>> configuration: Server: pc1 has two lan cards one for smarbro and the other connected to the switch hub for the 2 other pc to share the internet connection. Client: pc 2 & pc3 Question: how do i tweak the Server pc1? will the cablenut and the 20 steps be applicable? i hope someone can give some suggestion. thank you! note: the current connection is working he just wanted a little boost for his internet connection.
  8. using a router with with smartbro is peferctly fine! did you follow the easy steps on how to install your LinksysWRT54G? if yes then good. now, go to Linksys.com and get the latest firmware of your router. if you have difficulties on how to upgrade your firmware you can always ask their Tech. Support to assist you (yes they have online tech support). configuring your router: i supposed you already knew how to get into Linksys setup via web browser. (based on my own router settings) Set Up> Basic Set Up choose> Static IP > Static DNS 1: > Static DNS 2: > MTU (Auto) > Time Zone (GMT +8:00) > Save Settings & click continue next on its wireless capability: if you are not using it then disable it!!! (for safety) google it if you want i'm too lazy to elaborate more. Wireless> Basic Wireless Settings > Wireless Network Mode (Disabled) > Save Settings & click continue Next: Applications & Gaming> QoS > QoS (Enabled) > Upstream Bandwidth (Manual) (100000 kbps) > Ethernet Port Priority Port 1 = your PC > Priority (High) Flow Control (Disabled) Application Priority > just read the instructions on how to set specific ports. > Save Settings & click continue Next: Aministration> Management Here change the default password and also read instructions on web access and remote router access (Important). After changing anything do not forget to SAVE your settings. I hope this will be useful.
  9. and where do you exactly get this info!?
  10. did you log in after you have been redirected? its just a security check i supposed! based on my experience, i was redirected at one time not touching anything from that canopy stuff! i called up CSR and they said t'was just for security purposes! well, if you are still in doubt you better request for a tech visit from smart and ask them to fix your connectivity! based on the AP list, you have a shitty connectivity.
  11. its the best so far in the AP list based on Jitter>RSSI>Power Level well its not the ideal but you dont have better choices hit color code 5 i suggest.
  12. just a little correction>>>> disconnected canopy and 2 software progs. google,google,google here i come hehehe :twisted:
  13. tweaks are not 100% sure will work on everybody, even the bests softwares have their own issues too! so, if you are not really sure what you are doing better not to touch anything. i suggest you find someone you think can do better than you or go directly to the nearest smart wireless center and complain! warning: never call smartbro hotline for complains its useless but if you do be sure you have your doctor beside you just in case.
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