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Everything posted by prairiedogsplatr

  1. Yea im pretty sure its not the hd i have herd those sounds many times. This is an electronically produced sound. Sorry for not being clear kinda hard to explain.
  2. Ok i think i need to clarify this. By beep i mean a long sound that does not acually sound like a beep more of a buzz but it is a sound produced by the motherboard. kinda like a hum but it is electronic not hardware noise as in somthing failing but a deffinate sound produced by a machine. The "beep" lasts for at least 3-5 seconds then starts over. It is a continuis beep that has no pauses unlike bios beep codes. They sound differant then this.
  3. It is one long beep that continues during the boot into windows even. Then it starts over again. Does this about 7 times or so. Sometimes does this wehn idol but the pc works fine just the sound. The sound comes directly from the motherboard. Everything had been plugged in back again. If it was a cord i would think it wouldnt work at all.
  4. I built a pc reciently and it runs fast as ever. The only problem with it is that it sometimes throws a code. It throws the code mainly at boot and it is a very long code. it is one steady beep lasting a few seconds and it continues to do so past windows being loaded. Everything works fine on the pc except for this annoying code. It eventually stops. Just recently it did it while the pc was idol. Gigabyte hasnt responded to me and i only got a few days left to return any hardware. The mobo is a GA-M61P-S3 hAS 2 GIG OF G-Skill ram ddr2800 sata2 drive and sata dvd burner. It is Am2 with a 4800+ dual core. Anyone has any sugestions please help. My guess is the bios is just wack and i hope that what it is. I have tried replaceing the ram dims in various styles still does it. Tried even 1 stick. Everything on the pc is brand new put together by me. I have never had any problems with stuff i made. All drivers are off the cd. Somebody help please
  5. The packages vary depending on ware you live
  6. try superantispyware its free also maybe try uninstalling all of that yahoo junk
  7. rebooting your router will not change ip but if you leave your modem unplugged for 3 minutes it might. I used to have a step by step guide with pics for doing that but i lost it in a reformat a few months back i will try to find it for ya.
  8. I know alot of gamers who are having the same problem with comcast as of lately. Maybe try rebooting your router and modem. Leave unplugged for 3 minutes that may help but no guarantee. Also check for spyware/viruses. Try a tracert to the ip you are tryn to reach. Comcast did loose a huge percentage this quarter but they will probably bounce back.
  9. Maybe try setting the wireless channel to 11 and making sure the router is set for 802.11g mode? Stupid sugestion but worth a try. Maybe make sure all other pcs are off and testing it for spyware/viruses? probly did that allready but worth a try i guess. Also make sure anything that is running a 2.4ghz signal such as a cordless phone or a microwave is not interfering.
  10. By any chance was the game mohaa lol
  11. I miss my roadrunner connect. When i first started using rr it had a 5meg down and a 128k up. Then they made 7meg standard with 256k. I thought that was pretty fast. Then i found out for 10 more bucks a month i could get 10meg down and 512k up. I was downloading like a mad man I could get over 4.7 gig in an hour no problem was loving that now i got horrible net due to a move but i would support roadrunner 100% for constant speeds and great reliability. Not only that they offer a premium newsgroup server that i believe keeps files for about 200 days. Was 3 when i first started using them. Unlimited download to those newsgroups at no extra charge free usenet is a huge factor for me when picking an isp. Wish i could get rr again
  12. Wow i come to find out that every nite between 1230 and 430 wildblue does work on their gateway in wy. Took only about 10 calls to find the rite tech to tell me the truth about it. Now here is the big shocker!!!!!! I finally received my new modem after the 3rd guy came. I was promised it on the first guy. But the thing is that the tech support they have to report it to. Every modem has its own mac address. No 2 can be the same. For some reason i have the same mac address. I even looked on the sticker on the back. How is this possible. One would say that it is the same modem. They told me it must be. Funny thing is i watched the guy pull it out of the box take my old one and put it in his bag. The old one was blue new one is black. old one had a differant shape. Old one also had a differant power adaptor to it. Something just isn't rite here. They keep thinking that they are talking to the average PC guy. Telling me my router is bad but i bypass it. Telling me my wireless is bad but i just ran cat 6 cable. Telling me my ethernet cable is bad. Little do they know i carry a rj45 tester lol. Telling me i got a virus. Little did they know i got more then 5 pcs one with a fresh install off a brand new hard drive just ordered. They try to tell me its cause i dont got the wildblue optimizer but i do got it on a few pcs i just hate what it does to my pcs but keep it there to catch them in their lies. I have proven everything to them and they still say i am wrong lol. They capped me when i was at 80% of my usage without sending me the warning email. I call them out on it and they make it so i cant read my December usage limit. This company is asking for more trouble then they can handle. So in protest i write this to all u real techys out there (1337) go ahead feel free looks like u can make a modem and a satelite connect to there net and have the same mac address as someone else without them being able to read it. I personally don't know how to do this and i am not asking to know. But given all the times they screwed me over i think the public should know. I could care less if they get ripped off cause they rip people off everyday. Like i said before enough complaint and they will have to fix it or action will be filled against them by someone higher and they will be shut down. My actions are better business burrow and the public service commission. This time the county commissioner is going to file them for me With screen shots i have taken of my speeds that wildblue will not accept wont even give me a place to send them. There responce was your net is just fine that i am wrong lol. Thanks to one good tech that actually believed in doing his job i know the truth i know the scandals and they are on my side saying something is really messed up. Too bad they don't live here and service my internet. They advertise allways on internet but that isn't true. They say that they will notify you at 80% of download that isn't true. They offer a package that you can only get 80% before they "fap" you. So what exactly is a fair access policy if they dont follow their own guidelines? How can this be? I was away for 10 days with pcs off and my downloads did not go down. Now the mac address is the same as the old modem. That is not a good sign people. BEWARE! VERY BAD THING! Anyone know of a federal place to report this to? I would love to tell them about it
  13. Yes wild blue can check your signal strengths online through the program they have it tells all signal strengths and also how long you have been logged on. I know this for a fact. But.... even if they send the info to the guys who are supposed to come fix it they tell you that nothing is wrong Sounds like tis time for a call to the BBB like as posted before. The techs come out and fill you with any kind of bull they can to leave even if they are proven factually wrong they argue with you. What ever happened to the customer is allways rite? They cant even follow there own regulations correctly and i proved it to them then they send you in circles tryn to get rid of you but still want the money at the end of the month. Like i said its time for the me to call the BBB.
  14. This is not for a satelite dish but to increase range if you are trying to boost your signal to an access point. It is designed so that you can spread your signal over a vast are instead of a small one. Some of theses types of setups are able to reach 5 miles or so. What kind of internet are you using and who is your isp with that info i know i can direct you in the rite direction. Are you trying to boost signal throughout your house or throughout your town? What kind of router will you be using? http://www.mavromatic.com/archives/000451
  15. I live in the stick litterally in town you can get wireless internet and dsl. Dsl will only push 4 miles and i am not even close to that range. The wireless you have to be able to see the tower and you cannot from my home. I will build a solor powered access point that will cost me about 700$. Then i will be able to have something reliable. It has to be solor powered because there is no way to get power at all ware i live. I will look into evdo but my guess is i cannot since everything else doesnt work. Good news is that in 2 years they will be running fiber optic down a highway that is about a mile from my house then i will have to pay them lots to get a cable run to my house. Around here you cant even get cable in town Just got my bill from wb and let me tell you it sends a fire into my soul I guess i jsut gota beat the system. At least when i am done i will be able to brag around cause i will be the only one with net that works correct around here lol
  16. I got wb and i am faster with dialup at most the day. It constantly drops connection and the tech support has got to be the worset bunch of liars ever. I have proved them wrong on numerous issues. They are in breach of contract in many ways. I even asked for a new modem and they said they would. The tech came and didnt have it. Now a month has passed another tech came and he didnt bring it either and the guy was loud and lippy with me. They can tell any person your email and password and the tech is announcing it all over my house. Not only that the tech was such a smart guy it took him over 30 min to sign into my account and treated me very unprofessional. The only pleasent thing about wild blue was when they got out of my home and never will return again. Why should people have to pay for what they are not getting and when you reach 80% they cap you. In the fap they have to email you but they never will. So you only can download 80% of what you pay for before you get capped. And to check there web site to see how much you are at it is never updated i swear i didnt use the pc for 10 days and it didnt change. This company is wrong and someone will stand up to them and they will fail in the end. I dont care if i am under contract or not they can talk to my lawyer if they wana collect. I am gona build a solor powered access point and get better net from somone else. They say i cant get net from anyone else ware i live but i found a way around it and others can to dont take the trash that they throw at you stick up for yourself. And never call the tech support it is just a waiste of your time and energy. Use your brain take your time with research and beat the system. Or get mad and uncap there modem lol jk jail is not fun I am glad to know i am not the only one who is just plain fed up with there horrible service.
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