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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by liesfortheliars

  1. @CB only the standard shield will be running on start up and system tray??,,all the other features of avast will be turned off??? ty
  2. im afraid to overclock,,,i have no money to replace in case it will overheat hihihi
  3. 9:54 am,,,,yehey 1st tym ive reached this
  4. aouch im also unfortunate hihihi,,,they are very lucky hihi
  5. @EF thnxXx,., @derek wow ,how did thay managed to get that config,..,hope they can share to us,. can w8 for the prizm....
  6. @jkilla why is your maximum data rate is 7000???
  7. @derek see his data rate here
  8. @derek but why jkilla have a 7000 data rate??
  9. waaaaaa,,but why is your mximum data rate is 7000??
  10. @jkilla this is my canopy set up,,can you help me out so that i can have a 7000 max data rate...thnxXx
  11. @EF i have a question,,what is your maximum sustained uplink and downlink data rate??? mine is just 1000 so my uplink is 500 and downlink is 500, but i saw jkills post at the other topic that his maximum sustained uplink and downlink data rate is 7000 so his uplink is 3500 and downlink is 3500.,. i want that maximum data rate too,,need help plssss
  12. @jkilla how did you make your sustained uplink and downlink date rate 7000????? pls share,,thnxXX mine is just 1000 is your canopy 8.2.2 SM DES??
  13. @jkilla why is your sustained uplink and downlink date rate is very high,.,mine is just 1000 so my uplink and downlink is just 500,,ive upgraded my canopy but still i think its still slow
  14. @jkilla why is your sustained uplink and downlink date rate is very high,.,mine is just 1000 so my uplink and downlink is just 500,,ive upgraded my canopy but still i think its still slow
  15. @sven is your computer brand new????
  16. does my speed goes fster and faster when my pc is turned on for days???
  17. my speed as of today 11:30 pm wth proxy,.,., this is the st time ive reached this speed yey.,..,
  18. i have a question guys,.,.,,.are you turning off your computers??? or 24/7???? i always turn off my pc evrynight .,because of the electric bill,.,but when we still have our old electric meter that we can change its position to let the meter stop rotating i dont turn off my computer then because of the free electric LOL,,but now the old elec. meter was change with a new one,,/sigh have to turn of pc ervery night now
  19. @tweak can u repost the link again of the software you are refferng to???? thnxxX
  20. @FB thxXX
  21. HElp pls,,do i have to restart my pc after i changed the proxy?????
  22. cAnt w8 for the FDC.,.,.,
  23. @coolbuster cant w8 for the FDC,,im willing to buy a cd ()..coooL -------------------------------------------------------------- is there any1 here have a rapidshare premium account???? can u share it?? lol,,,im tired of download limits hihih
  24. @coolbuster aw hehe but can you help me in my connection??,,ive already upgraded my canopy and followed the 20 steps but still my speed is 102kbps only T_T
  25. @coolbuster ok thnxXx,, but how long are you going to test it??,.,., are you going to teach us the FDC when the teestng is finish???
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