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Everything posted by Stank_Ho

  1. I had some issues earlier this week, but they seem fine now. I'm just east of the 'ville. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3902 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 476 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Mon May 30 2005 20:49:32 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 70X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.15 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 15.72 % faster than the average for host (insightBB.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LOM8J0CHK
  2. Everyone, have a drink on me. Salute to all troops, past and present.
  3. Depends on what you want to keep track of. I'd prefer to leave it on the CPU myself. If you had more leads, I'd put on on my mobo, video card and possibly in the case somewhere. You need to be extremely careful placing these too.
  4. No one posted any incorrect information. And if it is, go into your device manager, look at your display adapter and find your video card, right click on it and disable it. This guy hasn't posted on a few days. Maybe he fixed it........
  5. Not sure what that link was meant to do, all I'm saying is, we don't know exactly what mobo and bios ver. this guy has. From the sound of it, this guy/gal seems very "new to computers"( No offense intended), but lets not have him getting into bios, looking for something that may not be there. It won't take long for an inexperienced person to totally screw bios up. I think we've all done a little r&d in bios and regretted it. Let's see if he can get into bios first, and tell us what he's got.
  6. You TURN OFF the vid support in bios (if it's even possible), you DISABLE it in device manager otherwise windows will keep trying to use it..
  7. I leave it up on purpose. She never leaves it up for me, why should I put it down? When it's down so much there's a good chance it'll get hit.
  8. It'll say something like "display adapter". You'll need to find this to disable your current video set up after you get another video card. The two may conflict. This can also tell you if it's working properly or not.
  9. Yaayy for Kentucky!!! We'll be barefoot and pregnant, but well have fiber!!!!!
  10. Yes, I too look forward to seeing him on more. That guy works his ass off! See ya soon bro!
  11. Wow, that is one helluva hjt file ! Give us a few days hours to look this over. I'm sure someone will find something there that shouldn't be.
  12. ......Not really. Thats a little exaggerated.
  13. Just tellin' ya what was being said. Like I said, it wasn't for me, but people were posting faster than it was appearing, for them. That would be lag. Probably on dial up.
  14. It was kinda odd. You'd walk in there and maybe there'd be 4/5 people showin and you'd wave or say hello and get no reply. I'd sit in there for an hour and go back and forth and see no text at all the whole time. Some people did say it was laggy though. Never was for me.
  15. Good bye Louisville!!!!!!!!!! :evil6: :evil6:
  16. Louisville, but I'd like to see them lose because the whole state would go into shock!
  17. Dude. I'm anti "corporate America"too, but the only person you're screwing, is the poor dude that nearly lost his 1400 bucks. That's my only point. You'd let that gut sweat it out just because you think it's not your job? How about some empathy? Whatever. Like I said, what comes around goes around.
  18. If you have to ask, you should be banned automatically.
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