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Everything posted by Stank_Ho

  1. Now their fighting over her burial. WTF! The husband won't tell the parents where he's burying her ashes?? Enough already. She's at peace now. Allow her parents to at least visit her final resting place. I know theres bad blood but does anyone think this is what Terri would want to see happening?? Respect her spirit and memory and end the friggin fued!!!
  2. I got a guy, works for me, sounds a bit like you. I bitch at him that his daily mantra in life is "Why do today, what you could put off till tomorrow". My mantra is like Nike, "Just do it". ( you see now why I'm always bitching at him.) You help people out when you can, you'll get the same back in return some way or another. Some people turn their heads and pretend not to see. I can't do that. I also believe in karma. What comes around goes around, ya know? You take care of me, I got your back. You screw me, fine, but you'll only screw me once.
  3. What the hell you talkin about?
  4. Yah, and he didn't say nude.........did you?
  5. Unfortunately there's no rule on posting lame threads..
  6. Wow, that's sounds a little f'd up imo. You would actually sit on it and "pretend" you never saw it? Glad you're not my neighbor. "Yah Stank, I saw smoke billowing from your windows, but cmon, you expected me to get off my lawn chair and call 911? I figured someone else would do it".
  7. Same to you bud! And everyone else too. Anyone having any big meals? I got a bird in the oven now, well since 9am est. Yes, Stank looks good and he cooks too! Shug....how many birds you cookin over there???? :haha:
  8. Ditto. You'll do the right thing. They'll figure out what happened eventually anyway. And 1400 bucks ain't worth gettin busted. I'm sure it would constitute a federal offense too, so why chance that shit?
  9. Welcome! Nice lookin speeds. What's your advertised speeds? Have you done any tweeking yet?
  10. That sloppy biker-chick was nasty! And that old nurse grossed me out too.!
  11. Wow....like I had to see that. Net, that made me ill !! Okay, there were two or three in there that were nice, but holy shit man. Throw up a disclaimer under that link, warning that the content may induce vomiting.
  12. I think he's French too......right?
  13. What was the topic? Isn't it about a revolutionary war in the U.S. lead by Charlton Heston?
  14. Hold on Cholla....outta popcorn...lemme go nuke a bag before you reply.....
  15. Sure. The only way I'll be getting lucky tonight is with myself. Aggr3, you think my avatar is tied up? Anyone can plainly see thats my revealing bikini top! Now stop starring perv!
  16. Yah, I just need to be more sensitive. Some posters may actually be working the deep fryer at Mcd's and get offended by my graphic portrayals. I don't wanna hurt anyones feelings. Eh, I take it from your avatar you live(ed) on a farm? No cold nights for you, huh?
  17. I aint never seen a good lookin chick workin a Mcd's drive through! I I've seen some cuties at Sonic though. My Mcd's window person is usually a pimply, puss oozing faced kid with cokebottle glasses, dried spit in the corners of his mouth due to all the braces and greasy hair. And, on hot days, there's usually some massive pit stains under his arms! No offense to anyone here of course.
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