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Everything posted by brock01

  1. brock01


    first get rid of norton, then with outpost make it so you can allow a connection with that port, or program
  2. brock01


    ya same here do you have a firewall on the comp your trying to do it on
  3. brock01


    what router you got btw
  4. brock01


    you sure you opened up the port on your ip, and enabled it?
  5. brock01


    now what you do is, you set your computer as a staic computer with a ip, choose one thats higher than the normal dhcp ones, say like and you would be fine so you dont get the message of theres an error someone else has the ip in your network, then you go to your router page and choose a port matching your program your using, and enable it for your ip, ex the and you should be good if you got more questions post em up
  6. brock01


    you dont need to unless they want the open ports
  7. brock01


    so you tried the top one blank and bottom one "admin"
  8. brock01


    have a stacic ip on the comps you want to forward the ports, like that , then go to the router page and say what ports with the static ips you want
  9. brock01


    let me know when you get the program, its less than a meg, and way better than bitcomet imo, i used bitcomet for over a year and switched to utorrent after it came out, and yes you can get that speed when your not "connectable" on a tracker
  10. brock01


    did it say it was blocked
  11. brock01


    ya thats right, the more seeds the faster the dl usually is, just because theres alot of seeds doesnt mean theres not alot of downloaders as well which could be taking the speed that your friend got what you need to do is, get utorrent and then go to options, speed guide, and click test if this port is forwarded properly and that will if your are having a issue with connectability or not
  12. thats exactly what i said to disturbed
  13. dont worry bout it, your making it harder than it is, just install what you need to do
  14. ya oh well ill just wait till it comes if it comes, if not its cool
  15. ya kinda
  16. 0wned
  17. ya i dont care bout you going into the military either ^^^^^^^^^^^ ALWAYS!
  18. that a joke, cause i hope it is
  19. how or when is fios in my area, and when do you think, or know when it shall come?
  20. i saw that but oh well, your lucky you got the increase, i wish i dont know if they are or not but if they upgraded other areas as well
  21. glad to hear you at least back to normal : )
  22. wheres it say the upgarde at on the site http://cfl.mybrighthouse.com/services/high_speed/index.aspx that it? i dont think i found it but guessing
  23. 46123
  24. hey whats your zip code gc
  25. nice gc, you live in florida? so you got the upgrade then right
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