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Everything posted by brock01

  1. im used to aim, and thats all i really use, besides the occasional irc so i think imma just uninstall it anyone know any good irc clients beside mirc
  2. i would test it permanetly
  3. Ok I just tried...Nothing...They worked???? so they work or not?
  4. try installing drivers for whatever usb device your using, at least its worht a shot, even if it works usually without drivers installed
  5. do you have the drivers installed?
  6. brock01


    set up dmz on your ip, make your comp ip static
  7. i totally forget acutally
  8. the screenshot wasnt there, but now it is
  9. ah good thinking blunted
  10. its still not english? Labs2 erbjuder 1 Gigabit per sekund till privatpersoner f
  11. if your from a college like you said you were, then i would imagine it would be right
  12. dang man, thats real nice
  13. dang, i would pay the 100 a month for sure
  14. ya i wouldnt be suprised, we get slow speeds compared to the money we pay, comparing to fios and stuff but then look at directway
  15. ya my hds are quiet, must be yours
  16. i got 2 satas and 2 ides on my comp right now, cant tell a difference really, i dont copy files though
  17. try this http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=97&st=st&ta=&top=&nobar=1 just a suggestion
  18. thats interesting, cause someone else iwth the basic package said they are getting faster as well, and they arent in florida which is where the upgrades are taking place right now, maybe something is going on or you are just lucky
  19. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    dont listen or earthlink, its timewarner or brighthouse whatever you have in your area is what speed you get, earthlink is nothing, just email and software. dont listen to earthlink.
  20. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    hmm maybe your just getting lucky with faster than advertised speeds
  21. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    where do you live at?
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