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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by brock01

  1. whats up with that lately, my stuff aint showing and aint updating, anyone else noticing this been like this for a lil while i think
  2. yaya dream all you want till you clear cache and temp files
  3. basically hes saying you got 0wn3d muahahah jk kinda
  4. hmm where you live at
  5. where are the servers located at that your playing on, that could make a HUGE difference
  6. omg nice themess thats hilarous man, wow
  7. lol ya im afraid so
  8. same, been like that for a while now, i hate shareaza and limewire and stuff like that
  9. just wondering, but do you have your wireless secured? someone could always be leeching some of you speed
  10. are you testing from a wired pc, or wireless?
  11. ya 1MB/s is possible 8000 Mb/s divide by 8 =1000 KB/s =1MB/s if your gettting 830 KB/s then your getting 83% of what you could get
  12. good explanations, thank you very much rtb, and just
  13. what exactly does it do? how does it help anyone? what does my computer do to help? i have it installed with our team number but a lil explanation would be helpful Thanks
  14. what way do you use to transfer them php? and whats the max speed for a wireless computer to wired, or wireless to wired using wireless g
  15. http://www.cdcovers.cc/covers.php a ton of stuff there
  16. very nice man, i like it
  17. can you download files at that speed from microsoft, or anything try other speed sites see what they say as well
  18. that is cool, i have no idea how he does it though?
  19. cant do that here, sorry
  20. better than mine, our (high)school dosent even allow us to test that, only the download test works
  21. have you cleared your cache?
  22. "Bullet With A Name" NONPOINT
  23. what might be fake? i dont see what could be fake?
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