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Everything posted by brock01

  1. pretty cool just
  2. you can clone,horziontal,vertical,and dual view you got those options CA3LE or more than that?
  3. haha dark thats funny, i hope you dont get caught, do you have to login with ur name and pass? at our hs we have to, you cant be logged into more than 1 comp at a time, you have to be logged in to do anything
  4. not bad CA3LE, would look tight if both were the same monitors but since you got that one free its all good dont we all love the price of something when its free?
  5. do it! do it! do it!
  6. works now thanks swimmer and dlewis
  7. ight trying that now
  8. i got the XTreme-G drivers
  9. alrighty, question for you guys i got a nvidia 6600, 84.56v3 i think it is, the newest one and when i try to watch a movie on my tv going through a svideo cord, the top part of the tv works, but then it splits in half and the bottom half is the exact same thing as up top, but its all messed up, dont know how to describe it, it like blinks, with some green and lil pink anyone know how to fix it, didnt happen in older drivers any advice is helpful, thanks in advance
  10. does anyone here have nice customized foobar2000 special edition? i hate mine and i want to install one pre(decked out) or change it or something preferbally the 0.8.3 special one thanks for any input and yes i have googled, not sure how well cause spent a long time on one site http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=foobar2000+album+art&btnG=Google+Search http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t175690-900.html
  11. haha good point tommie someone always has something better than someone
  12. 3hrs, wow go do a diff one, you did it wrong, or you didnt know what you were doing, they dont take 3hrs for one? 10$ na man
  13. time? some take seconds, its not hard at all once you know what ur doing
  14. the IP one is so much better, verifies so much quicker, works alot better, a ton more offers to
  15. ya exactly, use more than one, and have one that you dont use for anything important, have one for spam on purpose http://www.treasuretrooper.com/ good site but this site is better http://www.instantprofitz.com/
  16. thats what im using as well
  17. you mean what site am i doing my offers from?
  18. im defraggin as we speak, 3hds left after this one W00t just wondering what defrag programs you use, or do you use the built in one from xp ?
  19. alrighty if you guys say so, this could take a while, ha great
  20. ha you guys, you use more than 1 email address, come on now gmail or something else
  21. alrighty, let me start off saying i need some advice if it would do me any good to defrag my hds that are just for storage stuff, music and stuff like that, dvds you know the works but would it help anything if its just being used like that it would make since to me if you only defragged the hds with the working os installed on it but your help/adivce would be appreaicted thanks TMN btw, havent ever defragged the 3hds that are for storage, been a good 2 years maybe stuff still moves fast, i couldnt see how it would make it any better, thats what i need to know if it would help anything
  22. i do them now, i had my refreall link but cable asked nicely for me to take it down, so its gone or he did it forget, but surveys for money are legit, i will tell you that straight up find a good site, and ur set dont know if i should post links anymore to them though but yes, THEY DO PAY REAL MONEY TO YOU
  23. sounds cool, might check it out when its ready
  24. keyword, active users
  25. ya same with me, alcohol 120% for lyfe
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