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Everything posted by brock01

  1. hey swimmer what settings you change to overclock wrt54g on dd-wrt firmware? and swimmer are you 100% positive that you cant wds with one router, and have a diff router that they have to be the same? so im asking do they HAVE to be the same router to link em
  2. i just set up the wds deal on linksys wrt54g with dd-wrt i dont know if its a placebo affect, but it seems faster
  3. rapidshare dosent suck....... and biker, yes it does work for home edition, as i have it and have wmp11 installed, it works
  4. haha that is funny acutally a pill that cures some of those, smoking depression adhd,and stuff is Wellbutrin i take it, works good on the anti depression deal, adhd ect....
  5. what backup program you got muff!n
  6. here it is, i dont see why i shouldnt post it its a public beta http://rapidshare.de/files/20268872/mpsetup.exe.html take down if needed
  7. its out right now pm me if you want or something wink wink wink i mean...... haha
  8. ya dd-wrt ftw been using it for a couple of months, with TONS of bt activity, router has shut down since the dd-wrt
  9. how much are you calling isnt much? 30bucks can be made in a matter of mins
  10. theres a certain stopping point, they dont exactly point it out and tell you when to stop, you have to know when if you got questions ask me, ill surely help you out it takes bout less than 1 min if you do it right very easy money i love it
  11. im telling you http://www.instantprofitz.com/welcome.php is the best one man
  12. it dosent mean if you install those that you will have to, it is if you get a MaJoR upgrade with many components changing
  13. unless..... now say if you changed too many components you would have to activate again
  14. ya some are wav some arent
  15. ya, but that would have anything to do with it in this case, ive seen it play dts before everyone works cept the DTS part which has worked, but i cant play dts files from the comp which i wanna be able to do
  16. no its not that, thats what it does when something aint right ,if i would burn that to a disc and play it on my dvd player hooked up to my recivcer with optical, it would play
  17. i need help understanding something, i got Diamond XtremeSound XS71DDL Sound Card - Retail at Newegg.com I have it hooked up with an optical cord to my 5.1 receiver and when i play a dts file on the comp, i hear the same noise i heard with the onboard sound card, the scrachy stuff how can i make it not do that i have seen the receiver play dts before when hooked up to the comp i am using foobar2000 0.8.3 and have the dts plugin normally everything is in Dolby Digital 5.1 cause the sound card is DDL but i have seen it in DTS when playin a dvd from the comp, plays dts perfectly fine from dvd player thanks
  18. its whats in the inside that counts, sounds like a mom dont judge a book by its cover, sounds like a mom
  19. used it in 5th grade bout to be a junior now
  20. i am running alot more stuff on it than i should, i do know that for a standard built in psu, I'm running way to much stuff, for like 2+ years i wanna see what others think, i shouldn't of said i think its blah blah, cause now everyone might think the same thing and overlook anything else prejudged opinions are highly appreciated
  21. alrighty guys, some have seen me talkin bout my psu and stuff not sure if this is related but.... so i get back to my computer after school, and i see a ton of those lil nvidia errors talking bout not enough power and stuff (you know what im talking bout, how it reduces power) and i hold enter for a long time to get rid of them, then open up firefox, freezes out and have to hold power button to turn off, try and turn it on and first did nothing after the bios and stuff, turned it off by the power button, then i turn it back on and it works i notice comp not as fast as normal, gettting those nvidia erros, when i type and move the mouse, comp will randomly stop, like atm while im typing for the first time i got the error, delayed write failed Is this stuff psu related? do dell 4600's come with a standard 250psu? should i replace mine, and would it fix these problems if i do? thanks guys in advance
  22. haha good ones
  23. so you at home now? if so whats your homes connection
  24. i wish my parents did that, no joke
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