hey everyone, got a few questions for anyone who wants to throw in some input for meh
alright i have a onboard sound card right now hooked up to my receiver which is 5.1
i would like to be able to watch movies on my comp, have have Dolby digital 5.1, and dts play off my comp (going through my receiver) and i would also want to be able to play non-digital media as well, say a mp3 or something like that, if i would get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16829111002 ,
1. would i notice an improvement
2. is that card pretty good?
3. is all i would need an optical cord, for digital an non digital media, without any hitches
thanks for your help, any recommendations are totally appreciated, any input is appreciated as well
thanks in advance all TMN members