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Everything posted by brock01

  1. ya he seems funny, i could take em though we all know this
  2. indianapolis you could say, but really avon
  3. i use foobar2000 for my music now, i like wmp for my music when looking for something (alot to look through) and vlc for videos
  4. getting closer to 21
  5. Security fix for denial of service vulnerability.http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2006/mfsa2006-30.html
  6. dont got one, i dont like it, only look at it to see my gfs, thats the only reason i look at it, and its not even my account to view it, i borrow someones
  7. nice looking site btw i like it
  8. how does a pci sound card help freeing up valuable computer system resources. i ordered it btw, and got my optical cord very cheap
  9. i just use kaspersky antivirus, no firewall, no spyware protection anymore
  10. it dont have digital does it, no optical cord or coax i need the digital stuff=blue light
  11. ya my receiver has it, as of now i just watch dvds from dvd player, but now this would make it that i dont gotta burn dvds now,cause i love high quality sounding stuff, and im all bout digital stuff anyone know where to get a cheap optical cord, kinda long as well, i know they are expensive, havnet bought one in while
  12. hey everyone, got a few questions for anyone who wants to throw in some input for meh alright i have a onboard sound card right now hooked up to my receiver which is 5.1 i would like to be able to watch movies on my comp, have have Dolby digital 5.1, and dts play off my comp (going through my receiver) and i would also want to be able to play non-digital media as well, say a mp3 or something like that, if i would get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16829111002 , 1. would i notice an improvement 2. is that card pretty good? 3. is all i would need an optical cord, for digital an non digital media, without any hitches thanks for your help, any recommendations are totally appreciated, any input is appreciated as well thanks in advance all TMN members
  13. Up to 15 Mbps/2 Mbps $44.95 - $49.95 give me that, ill trade my 5000/384 for that, and im(my parents)are paying the exact same thing wow im getting ripped, pisses me off well i use all the bandwidth
  14. how much is the 15/2 again?
  15. nice man, congrats to ya
  16. im guessing just a black screen maybe? we will see when he replys
  17. brock01

    Power Supply

    i mean i guess i could see something get destroyed in my pc soon, i have a dell with factory psu, and i added a 6600, and 3 extra hds, pci card, its also got dvd burner, and seperate dvd rom i think its 250watt, been running for 2+ yr i think ownt
  18. ha kinda funny video it uses wmp it says just works for me nothing extra download link: http://www.weakgame.com/data/Videos/20060319_006_video_game.wmv?2b19f8be030a45262a381ea2a6364393
  19. ha blunted wins makish ha jking, but i love how blunted just posted his speed with no words, hes a good show off fine ill say you have good speeds as well blunted
  20. holy crap man ,nice upgrade huh
  21. do you not think crackers will not crack that vista will be cracked like everything else companys make it will be cracked and working
  22. speaking of the devil, im bout out of space on my hds ahh gonna have to buy another, one that hopefully lasts this summer, alright maybe 2 hds this summer and ill be good
  23. thanks for the fix, now we can all go back to your tight site
  24. just what i heard and he was relaible as well but who knows
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