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Everything posted by brock01

  1. theres a new virus out there that deletes default downloaded locations
  2. sounds tight
  3. I have a wrt54g router with 3 wireless computers (4 but 3 are normally on all the time) and one wired. The more wireless adapters you have does it decrease the wireless strength? another question i have 2 wmp54g's and one of them has a big antenna (stock but big) and the other one is smaller and gray and the smaller one has better reception and farther away, should i stitch the antennas?
  4. whats your advertised speeds btw
  5. dang i hope something changes and you get faster, if not i would go back to the other plan
  6. have you tweaked or anything yet?
  7. but from other places you can
  8. lawl lawl lawl warm welcome lawl
  9. wow omg, i am in love with it already thanks soooooooo much wow tight wow thanks man
  10. i live in indiana, and i no upgrades anywhere in indiana as of now supposedly upgrades are supposed to come to sc yes i read some where,not sure when
  11. yes they have done upgrades, in different areas
  12. ight thanks swimmer im not gonna do it
  13. hey swimmer so whats that mean, itd work or?
  14. its all good, they wont know that you didnt know
  15. ya, you go to format font, then at the bottom is subscript and superscript and others
  16. just changed will let you know soon still happends with classic, it happends with java open while playing a game, rs to be specific
  17. no i have had this theme for over 2 years, never had this problem just happend, didnt update the theme either
  18. so out of no where lately as this weekend, my stuff stars getting messed up looking and stuff like that, comes all over the place anyone know what causes it i got no spyware and no viruses
  19. so no one knows for sure? i wanna hear some other people opinons to see if others know anything else
  20. i just want the processor, nothing else when i would change them, would they work, would she see a difference (not perfomance wise) when she starts it up?
  21. ya she dont know to much bout em, she knows I like em though, its the thought that counts (cheesy) so you guys saying its compatible
  22. 2 dells, just switch the cpus mines a 4600 her's is a 3000
  23. im not sure if it is compatiable, thats why i came here
  24. Hey everyone got a few questions for you all My sister got back from college, she wont be using her computer while she works all summer, she knows i like comps so she said i could use whatever from her comp during the summer 1.) Would I notice a speed increase, if so how drastice? 2.) Would it install into my comp, aka is it compatiable? 3.) When her comptuter would start up would it look differently, same with mine? 4.) Thanks TMN helpers heres my comp stuff Heres her processor
  25. ya your lucky, im with the 5/384 just give me more upload, id rather have 5/1 than the upgrading 7/384 and or 512
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