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Everything posted by brock01

  1. brock01


    this is the longest debate about his cached resulsts ever i think, and he still thinks that, hes gonna feel real stupid when he reliazes its not real he will be the one weeping
  2. brock01


    lol you think you have that speed, wow you still belive that, your killing me man lol lol lol
  3. brock01


    haha dude its not your real speed, clear your cache man.... its not real............. for the last time its not real dream is up man
  4. brock01


    you think thats real? i hope not
  5. i like it when someone can take the "blame" for a human mistake, shows how much of a man he is CA3LE ftw:) good man, making the site better one step at a time
  6. ya totally agree man
  7. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    ya very nice upload, never hit taht high ever, 46 is max for me
  8. thats sweet
  9. ya ive had it for a while works good
  10. dvd shrink and dvd decrypter will work great for ya
  11. hmm never knew that, thanks for that info swimmer
  12. im in avon very close to indianapolis (in indiana of course) and we have cinergy as our electric company as well hmmmm... sounds interesting keep us updated on the upload speeds to see if they lower them or if anything happends, or if they get faster
  13. dang man nice up, thats sweet where you live at
  14. haha i love the idea, someone might know a good plan i hope you get what you want
  15. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    haha ya cant wait man, and nice sig btw i was talking bout speeds the whole time though haha your looking good though
  16. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    ha thats what im talking bout DjVaGGo you said nyc i think, you guys were going slow and having maintance Same Exact thing in Indiana holla at cha boi
  17. ya i dont use firewalls, it has to be them
  18. na, i have it open all the time sometimes it works and then sometimes it dont, and its not that my internet dont work cause im on it all the time and using it knowing its working, so they must have some problems sometimes
  19. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    wonder if anyone is besides us 3 notice anything going on
  20. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    where you live at
  21. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    ya i still have the upload locked normal i saw it a lil faster it was like 374 or something, which is a lil faster than normal when did you notice the speed increase
  22. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    ya man thats what im saying i think something is going on for the good
  23. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    umm i am getting faster resluts i think something is going on, you guys wanna test your speeds as well im in indiana this is wireless with the 5000/384 cable nut settings on a diff site thats closer to me, i pull 6.45 and there is maintance going on in indy so maybe this could be sweet i need some tests from other places besides flordia :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5093 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 622 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/19 - 2:45pm Bottom Line:: 91X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.65 sec Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 4.812 seconds to complete Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/ Diagnosis: Looks Great : 19.64 % faster than the average for host (mindspring.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9I1N3ETGU
  24. so you know the ip address http://www.arin.net/ type the ip address in the search deal and search it see what ya find out
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